Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

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Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ranger say he will do if Stephanie sleeps with Morelli while Ranger is there?
(a) Walk in on them
(b) Leave
(c) Kill Morelli
(d) Set the apartment on fire

2. How does Ranger describe the relationship between Scrog and his parents as far as he understands it?
(a) He had no family
(b) Estranged
(c) Very close
(d) Holiday visits only

3. Where does Stephanie tell Ranger and Morelli she is going?
(a) To a motel
(b) To stay with Lula
(c) To stay with her parents
(d) To Morelli's house

4. Why does Ranger tell Stephanie she can do in order to help him?
(a) Go to her parents
(b) Stay away from Morelli
(c) Go about her business
(d) Stay in the house

5. What does Morelli call Stephanie to tell her they have found?
(a) Proof that Julie was drugged
(b) A finger print left by the abductor
(c) A phone call from Julie to a cell phone
(d) A car rental registered to Carmen Manso

6. What does Stephanie tell Morelli to be sure to do?
(a) Have beer in the fridge when it is all over
(b) Have a plane ticket waiting to whisk her away
(c) Tell her parents she loves them
(d) Be ready to come rescue her

7. What does Johnson tell Stephanie and Scrog they look like?
(a) Miami Vice wanna be's
(b) The bounty hunter on TV
(c) Buyers from the Village People's yard sale
(d) Rejects from the Mod Squad

8. What does Stephanie see on her counter that makes her yell at Ranger that she doesn't want it?
(a) A new gun
(b) Answering machine
(c) Salad chopper
(d) Extra computer

9. What does Scrog tell Stephanie she will have to do if she is going to be on his team?
(a) Let him be the boss
(b) Take orders
(c) Dress better
(d) Ask nicely

10. What does Julie say that Scrog means to do?
(a) Become Ranger permanently
(b) Kill them all
(c) Kill Ranger
(d) Take them to Mexico

11. What does Lula say she is going to buy at the store when they go to try and apprehend Caroline Scarzolli the second time?
(a) Something in leather
(b) Panties
(c) Adult videos
(d) Lotions

12. What does Stephanie compare Ranger to?
(a) Temptation
(b) A succubus
(c) q
(d) The devil

13. What does Stephanie's father say he wanted to do when the band shows up to practice?
(a) Go to the lodge
(b) Watch the ball game
(c) Read the news paper
(d) Go to bed early

14. Lula tells Stephanie that you have to love a man that has his own what?
(a) Clothing line
(b) Barbeque sauce
(c) Zoo
(d) News cast

15. What does Stephanie's grandmother say happens sometimes with the closed coffins?
(a) They aren't watched often
(b) It makes things more interesting
(c) It makes you want to look
(d) They spring open on their own

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Julie say that gives Ranger and Stephanie some clues about where she is being kept?

2. Who did Lula say she did see in the crowd?

3. What happens when Stephanie's grandmother says she can't see the casket?

4. What is Ranger told when his phone rang?

5. Which applicant does Melvin say he likes for the bond office job?

(see the answer keys)

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