Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon leaving the party at the end of the first section of the novel, to what location does Sarah walk?
(a) Home.
(b) A diner.
(c) The bakery.
(d) CAPA.

2. Who teaches Movement?
(a) Ms. Reyet.
(b) Ms. Rozot.
(c) Ms. Rubut.
(d) Ms. Ragat.

3. According to the narrator on page 3, Sarah gained admission to CAPA after performing a monologue from what work?
(a) Pygmalion.
(b) Desire Under the Elms.
(c) The Glass Menagerie.
(d) The Member of the Wedding.

4. According to the narrator on page 13, what causes David and the other students to envy Sarah?
(a) Her acting skills.
(b) Her enviable job.
(c) Her wealthy family.
(d) Her relationship with Mr. Kingsley.

5. According to the narrator on page 67, how does Mr. Kingsley treat Sarah following her failures in class?
(a) He follows her.
(b) He encourages her.
(c) He studies her.
(d) He ignores her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is noteworthy about the production performed by the English visitors?

2. What do the students begin studying at the start of sophomore year?

3. According to the narrator on page 15, whose friendship does Sarah reject at the beginning of sophomore year?

4. Where does David go on vacation at the end of freshman year?

5. What is the name of place where Sarah lives with her mother?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens during the afterparty held at Mr. Kingsley's house? What does Sarah discover?

2. What adults arrive with the English People and what does the narrator say about them?

3. Who is Erin O'Leary and how does Sarah feel about her? Why does she feel this way?

4. Who are the English People, and why do they come to CAPA?

5. What does Sarah learn about Martin while going shopping for the party? How does she react to this information?

6. What is CAPA? What is the reader told about it at the beginning of the novel?

7. Why does Mr. Kingsley begin to take an interest in Sarah, as explained on page 45? What information does she tell him?

8. Describe the production of Candide. What happens during the performance?

9. For what production are the CAPA students preparing as Sarah begins her sophomore year? What roles do Sarah and David play in this production?

10. What act of revenge does Sarah take after the final performance of the musical? What effects does this act have?

(see the answer keys)

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