Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Sarah's former teacher who was known for having inappropriate relationships with his students?
(a) Mr. Bower.
(b) Mr. Banks.
(c) Mr. Balsam.
(d) Mr. Brinkley.

2. On the night of the final performance, what gift does Sarah give Mr. Kingsley?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A shirt.
(c) Flowers.
(d) A card.

3. According to the narrator on page 2, what did everyone at school unwillingly experience?
(a) The energy between Sarah and David.
(b) The panic of Norbert and Manuel.
(c) The fear between Mr. Kingsley and his students.
(d) The awkwardness between Sarah and Joelle.

4. Whom does Mr. Kingsley call to complain about Sarah's job?
(a) Her boss.
(b) David.
(c) The principal.
(d) Her mother.

5. What Latin term does the narrator use to describe David and Sarah's status with Mr. Kingsley following their failures in class?
(a) Alea iacta est.
(b) Acta non verba.
(c) Persona non grata.
(d) Sic semper tyrannis.

6. Where does Sarah work while she attends CAPA?
(a) A bookstore.
(b) A pizza place.
(c) A coffeeshop.
(d) A bakery.

7. According to the narrator on page 111, what does Sarah notice about David's car?
(a) It has a new paint job.
(b) It is filled with trash.
(c) It has a flat tire.
(d) It is badly dented.

8. According to the narrator on page 17, what is love to David?
(a) Declaration.
(b) Withdrawal.
(c) Denial.
(d) Validation.

9. When the students are directed to crawl on the floor in the dark, how does David identify Sarah?
(a) By her jeans.
(b) By her hair.
(c) By her earrings.
(d) By her cardigan.

10. When David drives Sarah home on page 86, how do they interact with one another?
(a) Joyfully.
(b) Stiffly.
(c) Gently.
(d) Resolutely.

11. What is the name of the adult actor traveling with the English students?
(a) Lance.
(b) Liam.
(c) Leo.
(d) Lucas.

12. According to the narrator on page 13, what is it about Sarah that particularly attracts David?
(a) Her careless attitude.
(b) Her aura of knowledge.
(c) Her conscientious demeanor.
(d) Her acting talent.

13. According to the narrator on page 1, what lasted the entirety of Sarah's freshman year?
(a) The prologue to her relationship with David.
(b) The end of her friendship with Joelle.
(c) The tension between her and Manuel.
(d) The process of writing her novel.

14. According to the narrator on page 17, what is love to Sarah?
(a) A joy.
(b) An act.
(c) A window.
(d) A secret.

15. How does Mr. Kingsley describe Sarah and David on page 85?
(a) As robots.
(b) As narcissists.
(c) As talents.
(d) As empaths.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the narrator on page 3, David gained admission to CAPA after performing a monologue from what work?

2. When David returns from summer vacation, what excuse does he give his mother in order to visit Sarah?

3. According to the narrator on page 26, acting requires restraint in order to achieve what?

4. Where in England do the visitors live, as mentioned on page 87?

5. How does Mr. Kingsley address Sarah on page 57?

(see the answer keys)

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