Trash Test | Final Test - Medium

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Final Test - Medium

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Olivia feels like she is about to faint in Colva Prison, what does she do that makes her feel better?
(a) She lies down.
(b) She takes a few deep breaths.
(c) She drinks water.
(d) She stands in front of a fan.

2. What is another term for The Day of the Dead in the novel's unnamed country?
(a) Memorial Day.
(b) All Hallows' Eve.
(c) All Souls' Day.
(d) All Souls' Night.

3. What is the position of Senator Zapanta?
(a) Attorney General.
(b) City Councilman.
(c) Vice President.
(d) President.

4. How long does it take Rat to tell Raphael and Gardo where he has gotten the money to bribe Marco?
(a) 3 days.
(b) 1 week.
(c) 1 day.
(d) 2 days.

5. What does Rat fear may happen to him if he is caught, since he has no biological family?
(a) He fears he will be thrown into prison.
(b) He fears he will be murdered.
(c) He fears he will be deported.
(d) He fears he will be sold.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what type of vehicle do Rat, Raphael, and Gardo flee after losing the police in the crowd of children?

2. What does Olivia do when she sees Gardo dressed in his new clothes?

3. What does the letter say would happen to the reader's soul if the reader were to visit Senator Zapanta's house?

4. When Olivia asks Gardo what all of the prisoners have done to get locked up in Colva Prison, what crime does he tell her most of them have committed, besides fighting?

5. What does Rat use to light his hole dwelling?

Short Essay Questions

1. Of what crimes was Gabriel Olondriz falsely accused after his attempt to expose Senator Zapanta's corruption?

2. When Olivia and Gardo meet Gabriel Olondriz inside Colva Prison, Olivia states that the old man is dying. What facts does she cite as leading her to this conclusion?

3. When the boys are fleeing their small room by jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Rat says, "Under us and all around us, though, the world was full of noise" (178). To what noises is he referring?

4. When Olivia is confronted by the police due to her showing her passport at Colva Prison and arousing suspicion about her motives, what happens to her?

5. According to Mohun in his diary printed in The Daily Star newspaper, what might Senator Zapanta do to him in retaliation for his accusations?

6. How does Gabriel Olondriz say he has ended up in Colva Prison?

7. In what ways does Raphael seem to have lingering negative effects from his experiences within the police station?

8. In what way does Gabriel Olondriz say that he had been betrayed by his legal defense team?

9. What are all of the ways in which Senator Zapanta's property compound is protected?

10. How does Rat describe his relationship with Father Juilliard and how does this relationship affect Rat's decision to steal money from the school's safe?

(see the answer keys)

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