Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Olivia feels like she is about to faint in Colva Prison, what does she do that makes her feel better?
(a) She drinks water.
(b) She stands in front of a fan.
(c) She lies down.
(d) She takes a few deep breaths.

2. In what type of vehicle do Gardo and Olivia travel to Colva Prison?
(a) Bus.
(b) Trolley.
(c) Taxi.
(d) Tuk-tuk.

3. When Olivia meets Gabriel Olondriz in Colva Prison, she says that he is not just weak, but he is what?
(a) Barely alive.
(b) Dying.
(c) Wasting away.
(d) Starving.

4. What news does Gardo deliver to Gabriel Olondriz that causes the old man to cry?
(a) Jose Angelico is dead.
(b) Senator Zapanta is dead.
(c) Pia Dante is dead.
(d) Father Juilliard is dead.

5. Why does Rat not tell Raphael or Gardo his reasons for returning to the dumpsite?
(a) He thinks it would bring bad luck.
(b) He does not want them to think he is a bad person.
(c) He does not want them to be able to tell his whereabouts if they are caught.
(d) He does not have time to tell them before he catches the train.

6. When Olivia asks Gardo what all of the prisoners have done to get locked up in Colva Prison, what crime does he tell her most of them have committed, besides fighting?
(a) Lying.
(b) Theft.
(c) Murder.
(d) Being in poverty.

7. When Frederico Gonz reads about Jose Angelico's death, to whom does he tell the news first?
(a) His cousin.
(b) His son.
(c) His sister.
(d) His mother.

8. In what type of vehicle do Rat, Raphael, and Gardo flee after losing the police in the crowd of children?
(a) Tuk-tuk.
(b) Trolley.
(c) Taxi.
(d) Train.

9. How long do the boys spend thinking about how to get the bribe required to pay Marco for his procurement of the Bible?
(a) One day.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Two hours.
(d) One week.

10. What does Gardo see in Marco's eyes when he first sees him during their meeting?
(a) Secrecy.
(b) Treachery.
(c) Glee.
(d) Greed.

11. Where does Gardo meet Marco in order to pay him and procure the Bible?
(a) The laundry.
(b) The town square.
(c) The tea-house.
(d) The school.

12. What does Rat have to do to Raphael in order to get him to unfreeze and to escape out of the roof hatch when the police come?
(a) Show him a knife.
(b) Kick him.
(c) Smack him.
(d) Yell at him.

13. With whom does Olivia get in touch right away once the three policemen come to her door to ask her questions about her visit to Colva Prison?
(a) The British Embassy.
(b) Father Juilliard.
(c) The American Embassy.
(d) Senator Zapanta.

14. Whose son is Dante Jerome?
(a) Senator Zapanta.
(b) Jose Angelico.
(c) Pia Dante.
(d) Gabriel Olondriz.

15. What gesture does Gardo make that Olivia says steadies her within the confines of the prison?
(a) He hugs her.
(b) He takes her hand.
(c) He strokes her hair.
(d) He says her name.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the letter say would happen to the reader's soul if the reader were to visit Senator Zapanta's house?

2. For what purpose does Senator Zapanta order police to clear squatter camps?

3. What is the job of Frederico Gonz?

4. Where do Raphael and Rat take the letter while Olivia and Gardo are at Colva Prison?

5. What does Raphael say he has done with the last of his money, causing him to be too broke to pay for bus fare to Senator Zapanta's house?

(see the answer keys)

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