Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Instead of the cells she expects at Colva Prison, what does Olivia say is in the prison instead?
(a) Cages.
(b) Rooms.
(c) Patios.
(d) Hallways.

2. Whose son is Dante Jerome?
(a) Senator Zapanta.
(b) Pia Dante.
(c) Gabriel Olondriz.
(d) Jose Angelico.

3. In what type of vehicle do Rat, Raphael, and Gardo flee after losing the police in the crowd of children?
(a) Trolley.
(b) Tuk-tuk.
(c) Taxi.
(d) Train.

4. What gesture does Gardo make that Olivia says steadies her within the confines of the prison?
(a) He says her name.
(b) He takes her hand.
(c) He strokes her hair.
(d) He hugs her.

5. What color does Rat use to describe the influx of police that lead the boys to flee from Behala at the start of Part Four?
(a) Blue.
(b) White.
(c) Red.
(d) Yellow.

6. When Olivia meets Gabriel Olondriz in Colva Prison, she says that he is not just weak, but he is what?
(a) Wasting away.
(b) Dying.
(c) Starving.
(d) Barely alive.

7. With whom does Olivia get in touch right away once the three policemen come to her door to ask her questions about her visit to Colva Prison?
(a) Senator Zapanta.
(b) Father Juilliard.
(c) The American Embassy.
(d) The British Embassy.

8. What is Senator Zapanta's first name?
(a) Gardo.
(b) Carlos.
(c) Regis.
(d) Juan.

9. Why does Rat not tell Raphael or Gardo his reasons for returning to the dumpsite?
(a) He does not want them to be able to tell his whereabouts if they are caught.
(b) He does not have time to tell them before he catches the train.
(c) He does not want them to think he is a bad person.
(d) He thinks it would bring bad luck.

10. What does Rat say that Raphael does every night when the boys are hiding in their little room above the laundry?
(a) Paces back and forth.
(b) Hums a lullaby.
(c) Cries for his aunt and cousins.
(d) Thrashes around with no sleep.

11. How often does Father Juilliard change the combination to his office safe?
(a) Biweekly.
(b) Once a year.
(c) Weekly.
(d) Monthly.

12. For how long does Senator Zapanta inhabit the role of vice-president?
(a) 8 years.
(b) 4 years.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 6 months.

13. What method does Gabriel Olondriz say that the government usually uses in order to steal money?
(a) Hiding charity money.
(b) Bogus contracts.
(c) Starting Swiss bank accounts.
(d) Deposing government officials.

14. How does Rat create an emergency exit inside the boys' tiny room above the laundry?
(a) He keeps a stick of dynamite by the bed.
(b) He loosens part of the roof.
(c) He keeps a knotted rope hanging outside the window.
(d) He chops a hole in the siding.

15. By how much does The Inquirer say the education budget has decreased in the last two years?
(a) 11%.
(b) 3%.
(c) 30%.
(d) 18%.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Olivia do when she sees Gardo dressed in his new clothes?

2. Who do the police mention in their warning to Gardo when they are yelling after the boys during their escape from the room above the laundry?

3. What does Olivia say is the most seductive thing in the world?

4. What is the job of Frederico Gonz?

5. What do the boys figure out the slash in the code means?

(see the answer keys)

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