Trash Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what location had Jose Angelico died?
(a) At the police station.
(b) In the town square.
(c) At the train station.
(d) At the library.

2. What does Raphael say he cannot stop doing when he is arrested and is being dragged to the police car?
(a) Screaming.
(b) Praying.
(c) Crying.
(d) Thinking about his Auntie.

3. From what material is the Mission School made?
(a) Mud.
(b) Canvas.
(c) Iron.
(d) Wood.

4. What does Father Juilliard say he has given Rat, though he has never seen Rat wear it?
(a) A school uniform.
(b) A cravat.
(c) A hat.
(d) A tie.

5. In what type of structures do most of Raphael's neighbors live?
(a) Longhouses.
(b) Dwellings made of cardboard.
(c) Thatched huts.
(d) Apartment buildings.

6. What does Raphael say is the meaning of the word "stuppa" (3)?
(a) Radioactive Waste.
(b) Stuff.
(c) Human muck.
(d) Animal muck.

7. What place do the foreigners visit when they come to the dumpsite in which the rubbish boys work?
(a) City Hall.
(b) The Pascal Aguila Mission School.
(c) The area's single church.
(d) Raphael's home.

8. What causes Gardo to consent to a plan to visit the train station, even though he has been reluctant to do so?
(a) Raphael threatens to go with Rat and to leave Gardo out of the trip.
(b) He finds out that the train station is due for renovation soon.
(c) Rat threatens to go with Raphael and to leave Gardo out of the trip.
(d) He thinks two weeks is sufficient for the danger to have passed.

9. What is the word people in the area use to demonstrate respect for their elders when addressing them?
(a) Ra.
(b) Po.
(c) So.
(d) La.

10. What term does Raphael apply to Gordo while introducing him to the reader?
(a) His pal.
(b) His amigo.
(c) His partner.
(d) His friend.

11. When the police ask Raphael about the bag he has found and he denies finding a bag, what does he say he has found instead?
(a) A cigarette.
(b) A basketball.
(c) An umbrella.
(d) A shoe.

12. How many crates are initally donated in order to create the Mission School?
(a) 6.
(b) 4.
(c) 12.
(d) 8.

13. What type of disease had broken out in the area when Pascal Aguila had forced the local hospital to set up a special unit for the poor?
(a) Cholera.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Ebola.
(d) Dysentery.

14. After Raphael decides not to tell the police about the leather bag quite yet, who tells the police about his find instead?
(a) Raphael's aunt.
(b) Gardo's cousin.
(c) Raphael's uncle.
(d) Gardo's sister.

15. What do the dumpsite boys spend their days looking for in the trash heaps?
(a) Anything they can use.
(b) Anything they can give to the foreigners.
(c) Anything they can give to their families.
(d) Anything they can sell.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what objects does Father Juilliard say that Rat's fingers remind him?

2. Why does the street sweeper look at Raphael strangely when Raphael asks the street sweeper for a cigarette?

3. What is the name of the dumpsite in which Raphael and the other dumpsite boys scavenge?

4. What object does Raphael admit to finding at the dumpsite when he is interrogated at the police station?

5. What excuse does Rat give to Father Juilliard when Rat wants to use the school's computer?

(see the answer keys)

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