Tiny Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tiny Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Julian say when Miss Alice invites him to talk about himself?
(a) He says nothing.
(b) He is open and honest.
(c) He is very self deprecating and defers to the background information they already have on him, complete with the missing six blank years.
(d) He gladly tells her his life story.

2. What does Julian believe must happen in order to make it easier for men to live?
(a) They must attend church regularly.
(b) They must evangelize.
(c) They must pray to God and confess their sins.
(d) They create a false God in their own image.

3. Julian says "It is God the mover, not God ______________."
(a) The puppet.
(b) The maker.
(c) The shaker.
(d) The frozen.

4. To what are the second man's words compared?
(a) Brown, sticky, smelly mud.
(b) Nails down a chalkboard.
(c) The exaggerated sneer of the animal in question.
(d) A growl.

5. What would she like to do for the church for twenty years?
(a) Spend one day a month working for a charity.
(b) Give one hundred million dollars a year.
(c) Teach Sunday school every week.
(d) Make a new robe for the priest every year.

6. What are of the expected variety in a place of this grandeur?
(a) A great arched doorway and the furnishings.
(b) The beautiful, rare roses.
(c) The hand-embroidered banners hanging along the walls.
(d) The beautiful, exotic birds flying about.

7. Why does the lawyer initiate a discussion of his animosity for the Cardinal?
(a) He is satisfied with Julian's information.
(b) He knows Julian is friends with the Cardinal.
(c) He is bored by Julian's responses.
(d) He cannot contain his hatred.

8. What does Julian find ironic about staying in the section of the asylum that is for people who are only mildly troubled?
(a) Those staying in this section had no mental illness.
(b) Most of the people there have severe mental illness.
(c) He never considered the fleeing of faith a mild matter.
(d) All mental illness is serious.

9. What does Miss Alice do when Julian tries to explain one more time that there is nothing much to tell, and it is simply a matter of his faith in God leaving him, and he committed himself to an asylum?
(a) She moves on to a new topic.
(b) She argues with him.
(c) She will not let go of it.
(d) She does not agree with him.

10. Who was Saint Francis?
(a) A martyr burned at the stake.
(b) A friend to all animals who often talked to creatures, even birds of the sky.
(c) A man who hunted wild animals.
(d) A pope.

11. Why is it appropriate?
(a) The Cardinal is no more intelligent than a bird.
(b) Because the birds understand each other so much better than would birds of any other kind.
(c) The lawyer and the Cardinal are friends that have grown up in the same household.
(d) They are cardinals, just like the Cardinal.

12. What does Julian say he heard on that night in the asylum?
(a) Screaming.
(b) Rain falling on the roof.
(c) Cries or sobbing.
(d) Cats meowing.

13. For whom is the larger of the two chairs?
(a) The lawyer.
(b) Miss Alice.
(c) The Pope.
(d) His Eminence.

14. Where does this scene open?
(a) In the garden.
(b) In the dining room of a mansion.
(c) In a library of a mansion.
(d) In the chapel.

15. How do the two continue to insult one another?
(a) They whisper nasty remarks under their breath.
(b) Each man begins to question the intimate relations of the other's mother and their resulting parentage.
(c) They do so with swinging fists.
(d) They glare at one another.

Short Answer Questions

1. Julian is intrigued by the butler's coincidence. How does the Butler feel?

2. What is the most intriguing element?

3. How does the scene end?

4. What happens to the conversation.

5. Why does Miss Alice play this game?

(see the answer keys)

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