Time's Arrow Test | Final Test - Easy

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Time's Arrow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the motto of the Schless-Hartheim camp?
(a) That which does not kill you will make you stronger.
(b) You don't want to know.
(c) There is such a thing as life that is not worthy of life.
(d) Work will set you free.

2. How are women and children processed at Auschwitz?
(a) With hard labor.
(b) With electricity and feces.
(c) With gas and fire.
(d) With supernatural power.

3. What does Uncle Pepi keep in a box on his desk?
(a) Kerosene.
(b) Human eyes.
(c) Amputated limbs.
(d) Zyklon B pellets

4. What does the narrator think of Odilo Unverdorben in his youth?
(a) He hates him for all the things he was about to do.
(b) He thinks he is lazy.
(c) He foresees great things for him.
(d) He is unimpressed.

5. Why is the narrator sad as Odilo Unverdorben gets younger?
(a) He thinks that he will miss his chance to get Odilo to repent.
(b) He is afraid of being inside of Odilo's mother as a baby.
(c) He dreams about dead Jews trying to kill him.
(d) He knows that he is going to die when Odilo is born.

6. How does Odilo Unverdorben's work affect his marriage?
(a) It gives him more to talk about with his wife.
(b) It makes him more sensitive to his wife's sufferings.
(c) It gives him ideas about how he and his wife could live in the future.
(d) It hardens him so that he cannot respond to his wife.

7. What is the name of Odilo Unverdorben's baby?
(a) Inge.
(b) Irene.
(c) Marta.
(d) Eva.

8. What does Herta know about Odilo Unverdorben's work at Auschwitz?
(a) She approves of his work and experiments.
(b) She suggested Odilo work there herself.
(c) She thinks that he is working at a children's hospital.
(d) She does not know about it; Odilo keeps it secret.

9. How does the narrator feel about Uncle Pepi?
(a) He is appalled by his ability to create.
(b) He is in awe of him.
(c) He envies his power.
(d) He is disgusted by him.

10. How does the narrator feel about Odilo Unverdorben's father?
(a) He is happy about returning to a healthy, strong man.
(b) He cannot forgive Odilo's father for killing him.
(c) He looks forward to returning into the father's body as sperm.
(d) He is afraid that the father hates Odilo.

11. What does the narrator think when he sees the rail station at Treblinka?
(a) He thinks it is a movie set.
(b) He thinks it is a fake to deceive the Polish Jews.
(c) He thinks it is a centerpiece of the Final Solution.
(d) He thinks it is a progressive medical facility.

12. The narrator says that he loves Herta as much as whom?
(a) Uncle Pepi.
(b) Odilo Unverdorben.
(c) Irene.
(d) The Jews.

13. What is Odilo Unverdorben's family doing when they visit Auschwitz?
(a) Touring Holocaust museums.
(b) Looking for someplace to live.
(c) Camping.
(d) Looking for Odilo's secret life.

14. What does the narrator look forward to in Odilo Unverdorben's work at Auschwitz?
(a) The purification of the human body in fire.
(b) The piles of gold and property.
(c) The first signs of life in the people they created.
(d) The sleep-like peace of the dead people.

15. How does the narrator think about expressing his affection for Herta?
(a) He wants to marry her and have a baby with her.
(b) He wants to recreate her from ashes.
(c) He wants to immortalize her.
(d) He wants to use violence against her then heal her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the narrator think that the Waffen Secret Service gets the ashes with which to make people?

2. What does the narrator think the very thin men are doing at the camps when they tip their heads back towards the sky strangely?

3. What does Odilo Unverdorben see at Auschwitz when he visits with his family?

4. On which front does Odilo Unverdorben serve in the Waffen Secret Service?

5. How often does Odilo Unverdorben spend time with Herta at Schless-Hartheim?

(see the answer keys)

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