Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what time did the long and personal letter from Khrushchev come on October 26th?
(a) Noon.
(b) 6AM.
(c) 6PM.
(d) Midnight.

2. Who said, "I am not in an American courtroom, sir, and therefore I do not wish to answer a question that is put to me in the fashion in which a prosecutor puts questions" (58)?
(a) Andrei Gromyko.
(b) V. A. Zorin.
(c) Don Wilson.
(d) Adlai Stevenson.

3. Why does Khrushchev claim the Soviet Union has placed missiles in Cuba?
(a) To provoke the U.S. into war.
(b) To fire upon all major U.S. cities.
(c) To prevent the U.S. from invading.
(d) To potect the Soviet people in Cuba.

4. What did the Joint Chief of Staff suggest the U.S. do to respond to the letter sent October 27th?
(a) Strengthen the blockade.
(b) Military action.
(c) Refuse any negotiations in a letter.
(d) Meet with Khrushchev personally.

5. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, what role did Congress play?
(a) Some were members of Ex Comm.
(b) They declared war.
(c) They were informed.
(d) They helped formulate ideas.

6. What does Robert claim can "best be judged by conflict, by debate" (86)?
(a) Business.
(b) Life.
(c) Leaders.
(d) Opinion.

7. Who does JFK write to after the Russians agree to remove missiles from Cuba?
(a) Khrushchev.
(b) Castro.
(c) Mrs. Onasis.
(d) Mrs. Anderson.

8. Who said "war is impossible . . . there is no alternative to peace" (104)?
(a) Theodore Sorensen.
(b) Robert McNamara.
(c) Thomas Schelling.
(d) Dwight D. Eisenhower.

9. What does the change in attitude from the letter received on the 26th and the letter received on the 27th suggest?
(a) Deception.
(b) Translation mistakes.
(c) Soviet confusion.
(d) Desire for war.

10. Who urged the President to release photos of missiles to the UN for publication?
(a) Adlai Stevenson.
(b) Ted Sorensen.
(c) Dovid Ormsby Gore.
(d) Pierre Salinger

11. What countries were supporting the U.S. and recommending that the U.S. not give in to Soviet demands?
(a) U.N.
(b) HOA.
(c) AXIS.
(d) NATO.

12. What was the name of the first ship boarded at the blockade?
(a) John Pierce.
(b) Marucla.
(c) Bucharest.
(d) Kremlin.

13. According to all of the discussions of removing missiles from Cuba, who would oversee the removal to be sure it was done?
(a) The U.N.
(b) The OAS
(c) The U.S.
(d) Britain.

14. Who said, " You are in the courtroom of world opinion right now, and you can answer yes or no. You have denied that they exist, and I want to know whether or I have understood you correctly" (58)?
(a) Don Wilson.
(b) V. A. Zorin.
(c) Pierre Salinger.
(d) Adlai Stevenson.

15. Why did JFK originally want to remove the missiles from Turkey?
(a) They were obsolete.
(b) He did not want to anger the Soviets.
(c) He wanted to invade Turkey.
(d) They were dangerous to world peace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which two countries in Africa did JFK seek support from during the missile crisis?

2. What did the ex-Chancellor of Germany at the outbreak of the First World War ask his successor?

3. Who did JFK believe should take public credit for the end of the missile crisis?

4. Whose job does Robert believe is getting bigger and is in actuality five jobs under one title?

5. Robert tells he once heard World War Three would be fought with atomic weapons. What then would the next war be fought with?

(see the answer keys)

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