Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What "committed American ground forces to what has become the longest war in our history" (102)?
(a) The Bay of Pigs.
(b) The Cuban Missile Crisis.
(c) The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
(d) The invasion of Cambodia.

2. What did the Joint Chief of Staff suggest the U.S. do to respond to the letter sent October 27th?
(a) Military action.
(b) Refuse any negotiations in a letter.
(c) Strengthen the blockade.
(d) Meet with Khrushchev personally.

3. Who wrote, "there is just no foreseeable route by which the United States and Soviet Union could become involved in a major nuclear war" (104)?
(a) Thodore Sorensen.
(b) Thomas Schelling.
(c) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
(d) Robert McNamara.

4. Who was George Ball?
(a) Chief of Staff.
(b) Former Ambassador to Cuba.
(c) The Under Secretary of State.
(d) The Secretary of State.

5. Who was JFK communicating with on a daily basis?
(a) Khrushechev.
(b) U Thant.
(c) Robert.
(d) The OAS.

6. What does Robert believe had a "major psychological and practical effect on the Russians and changed our position . . . into a country acting in accordance with twenty allies legally protecting their position" (92)?
(a) Support from the OAS.
(b) Congressional approval.
(c) The African countries voicing support.
(d) A declaration of war.

7. What is the crisis a microcosm for according to the authors of the Afterword?
(a) The inevitability of nuclear war.
(b) The workings of democracy.
(c) Problems of the nuclear age.
(d) Problems of the modern American Presidency.

8. What do men have the power to do today that they did not in past war making?
(a) Start wars without involving other countries.
(b) Fight without killing anyone.
(c) Save the world.
(d) Destroy mankind.

9. What does Robert suggest the President use to get an opposite opinion if no one else will offer it?
(a) A sponsor.
(b) Lobbyists.
(c) A devil's advocate.
(d) Random uninterested parties.

10. When the Soviet Union refused to acknowledge the blockade, how often were low level flights conducted over Cuba?
(a) Every two hours.
(b) Five times a day.
(c) Once a day.
(d) Every hour.

11. Robert tells he once heard World War Three would be fought with atomic weapons. What then would the next war be fought with?
(a) Swords and cannons.
(b) Sticks and stones.
(c) Guns and knives.
(d) Atomic weapons.

12. Which two countries in Africa did JFK seek support from during the missile crisis?
(a) Egypt and Ethiopia.
(b) Canary Islands and South Africa.
(c) Guinea and Senegal.
(d) Algeria and Kenya.

13. Whose job does Robert believe is getting bigger and is in actuality five jobs under one title?
(a) The CIA.
(b) The Head of State.
(c) The Presidency.
(d) The Secretary of State.

14. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, what role did Congress play?
(a) They declared war.
(b) They were informed.
(c) They helped formulate ideas.
(d) Some were members of Ex Comm.

15. Who would not allow Russian planes to refuel or land in Dakar?
(a) President Sekou Toure.
(b) The U.S. Navy.
(c) Fidel Castro.
(d) President Leopold Senghor.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time did the long and personal letter from Khrushchev come on October 26th?

2. Who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

3. Who was approached by a Soviet Embassy official to offer a proposal for removing the missiles from Cuba?

4. Why did JFK originally want to remove the missiles from Turkey?

5. How many Russian submarines were in the Caribbean after the blockade took effect?

(see the answer keys)

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