Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many Americans could potentially have died within minutes of the known missiles being fired off as of October 18th?
(a) Eight million.
(b) Eight hundred.
(c) Eighty thousand.
(d) Eighty million.

2. Who presented the United States case to the United Nations?
(a) David Shoup and John LeMay.
(b) John McCone and Robert McNamara.
(c) JFK and Robert Kennedy.
(d) Adlai Stevenson and John McCloy.

3. In the section "Tuesday morning, October 16, 1962 . . .," why were initial reports of missiles in Cuba not passed on to the President?
(a) They were reports from double agents.
(b) They were passed on to the President, but were ignored.
(c) They were lies.
(d) They needed to be rechecked.

4. Who publicly confronted Soviet Union Ambassador V. A. Zorin?
(a) Bertrand Russell.
(b) Ted Sorensen.
(c) David Ormsby Gore.
(d) Adlai Stevenson.

5. After making his decision, when was the President's speech to the nation scheduled for?
(a) Sunday evening.
(b) Saturday afternoon.
(c) Tuesday morning.
(d) Monday evening.

6. In the section entitled, "It was now up to one single man," when did JFK hope to broadcast his plan to the nation?
(a) Tuesday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Never.

7. Who said, "if the Russians' response makes a military action or invasion inevitable, I want to be able to feel that we will not have to waste any days having to get ready" (47).
(a) Secretary McNamara.
(b) JFK.
(c) General LeMay.
(d) General Shoup.

8. Who was U Thant?
(a) Acting Secretary General of the United Nations.
(b) Soviet Ambassador to the United Nations.
(c) Secretary of Defense.
(d) Soviet Chairman.

9. Why did JFK change the line of interception for the blockade?
(a) To show force.
(b) To buy time.
(c) For safety.
(d) To tighten the line.

10. How many ships either stopped or turned back before reaching the blockade?
(a) 25.
(b) 10.
(c) 14.
(d) 4.

11. Who said, "It is exactly what I would have done . . . a great government such as yours does not act without evidence" (41)?
(a) Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
(b) Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.
(c) Dean Acheson.
(d) General de Gaulle.

12. What book had JFK recently read that had to do with miscalculations leading to war?
(a) The Guns of August.
(b) The Dangerous Summer.
(c) The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
(d) Night.

13. What disturbing news increased the danger of intercepting a Russian ship?
(a) A Russian submarine approached as well.
(b) The nuclear devices being transported were unstable.
(c) The air crafts following the ships.
(d) The Russian refusal to stop.

14. What statement did the Russians make public on September 11th?
(a) They had no intention of putting missiles in Cuba.
(b) Russia made no statement.
(c) They would put missiles in any country they want.
(d) The missiles already in Cuba would remain there.

15. In which branch of government does Robert believe rank often plays a role?
(a) Congressional.
(b) Legislative.
(c) Judicial.
(d) Executive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does JFK meet with whom Robert claims he "trusted implicitly" (51)?

2. After the announcement to the nation, how often would Ex Comm meet?

3. Who did JFK have a meeting with that was scheduled before the information about Cuba had been found?

4. How did the members of Ex Comm avoid arousing suspicion when visiting the White House at 9:15 at night?

5. Who suggested that the US take military action against Cuba for America's safety, not knowing about the missiles?

(see the answer keys)

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