The Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Kino's family hide in the daytime while they are running away?
(a) In a deserted house.
(b) By the road where deer have previously lain.
(c) Near the riverbank.
(d) Under a large tree.

2. What is the pearl wrapped in on the day of its sale?
(a) Old, soft deerskin.
(b) One of Juana's shawls.
(c) A piece of paper.
(d) A new piece of cloth.

3. What does Juana do to protect herself from the evil night air?
(a) She sings an ancient ritual song.
(b) She covers one side of her nose with her shawl.
(c) She does an ancient dance.
(d) She drinks an ancient potion.

4. In Chapter 4, where does Kino threaten to go to get a better price on his pearl?
(a) To another town.
(b) To another country.
(c) To the capital.
(d) To come back tomorrow.

5. What article of clothing says a lot about Kino's mood?
(a) His pants.
(b) His straw hat.
(c) His boots.
(d) His sandals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Juana plead for after Kino is attacked in Chapter 4?

2. What is the lowest amount of money offered to Kino for the pearl?

3. Where does Kino put his knife before he goes to kill the trackers?

4. What does the welcoming pearl buyer put by his desk in Chapter 4?

5. Which one of these things was not borrowed by Juan for Kino?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Kino take off his clothes in Chapter 6?

2. What is Kino's plan of attack if the trackers do not pass his family on the road?

3. Name some of the things the other villagers say they would do if they had the great pearl.

4. What does Juana do when she senses Kino running after her in the dark when she is going to throw the pearl back into the sea?

5. How do the pearl buyers operate to buy a pearl?

6. What does Kino do when the dark figure attacks him on the path back home in Chapter 5?

7. When Kino says, "I am a man" to Juana, what does that mean to her?

8. What do the neighbors fear will happen to Kino after finding the giant pearl?

9. What happens to Kino's home while he is being attacked by the dark figure in Chapter 5?

10. What happened before when the pearl buyers got together and tried to have a pearl representative take their goods to the capital?

(see the answer keys)

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