The Lottery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lottery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What accusation does Tessie make to Joe Summers?
(a) That he doesn't like her and arranged for her to get the dot.
(b) That someone else should draw for him.
(c) That he goes first every year to lessen his chances of getting the dot.
(d) That he cheated when he drew his own slip.

2. Old man Warner suggests that discontinuing the lottery would be doing what?
(a) Inviting strangers into the village.
(b) Shaming the ancestors.
(c) Going back to the Stone Age.
(d) Taking the life out of the village.

3. What finally happens with Tessie?
(a) She has to catch and throw back the stones.
(b) All the villagers stone her to death.
(c) She must dodge all the stones.
(d) She has a heart attack and dies.

4. Who helps hold the box to keep it steady?
(a) Mr. Graves and Mr. Summers.
(b) Mr. Martin and his son.
(c) The mayor and the chief of police.
(d) Several of the larger boys.

5. What is the tone as the story begins?
(a) Cheerful, bright, and colorful.
(b) An average day with overcast sky.
(c) Dry like a newspaper article.
(d) Dreary and ominous.

6. What trouble does Bobby Martin get into?
(a) He gets in a fight with another boy and has a bloody nose.
(b) He does not respond to his mother's call and his father reprimands him.
(c) He gets his clean clothes all dirty and has to go home and change.
(d) He puts the stones he collected in his pocket.

7. What is on Tessie Hutchinson's paper?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A black spot.
(c) The number 6.
(d) A message.

8. What explanation does the late comer give for being late?
(a) She forgot what day it is.
(b) She had a cake in the oven.
(c) She overslept.
(d) Her clock had stopped.

9. What is Mr. Summers' position in the town?
(a) He is the superintendant of schools.
(b) He is the town leader and owner of a coal business.
(c) He is the custodian of the town square.
(d) He is the religious leader of the village.

10. Who is the first to hold up his slip of paper?
(a) Old man Warner.
(b) Mr. Summers.
(c) Bill Hutchinson.
(d) Mr. Graves.

11. How many people live in the village?
(a) 3,446.
(b) About 300.
(c) Just under 1,000.
(d) Less than 100.

12. Is Mr. Summers exempt from the lottery?
(a) Yes. Otherwise they would have to get a new administrator every year.
(b) Yes. But he makes a pretense of drawing anyway.
(c) No. He calls out his own name, too.
(d) No. But he is the only one allowed to look into the box while drawing.

13. What does Mrs. Delacroix have in her hands?
(a) The lottery flag.
(b) A chocolate cake.
(c) A huge stone.
(d) The Hutchinson baby.

14. In a large village, how long might the lottery last?
(a) Not long because of better equipment.
(b) All day because they have more activities in the square.
(c) As much as seven days.
(d) An hour because the slips were mailed to the people.

15. What does the village look like on the morning of the lottery?
(a) It is gloomy and cold looking with gray houses.
(b) It is very metropolitan with shiny glass commercial buildings.
(c) It is in the sun with neat houses, green lawns, and flowers everywhere.
(d) It is dusty and dry with the paint peeling off the houses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the women doing before the lottery?

2. What is Jackson satirizing by having the children participate so willingly in the stoning?

3. How do most of the villagers appear to regard the lottery?

4. Who was the last to arrive at the lottery?

5. What does Jackson suggest about civic prominence in the character of Mr. Summers.

(see the answer keys)

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