The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the house become infested with?
(a) Bugs
(b) Termites
(c) Worms
(d) Rats

2. Why does Ona want to get a job?
(a) So she can pay off their house
(b) So they can get married
(c) So she can buy things
(d) So she can have more children

3. What happens to Marija's wages?
(a) They are garnished
(b) They include bonuses
(c) They are cut in half
(d) They are doubled

4. Who is working at the sausage factory?
(a) Elzbieta
(b) Marija
(c) Jurgis
(d) Ona

5. What happened to the boy Stanislovas with the broken off ears?
(a) Work injury
(b) Disease
(c) Genetic defect
(d) Frostbite

6. What does Jurgis think works against the American ideal of individuality?
(a) Assembly line work
(b) Unions
(c) Bosses
(d) Stockyards

7. Where does Jurgis have to go after his first day back at work?
(a) The store
(b) The doctor
(c) The bank
(d) The midwife

8. The bosses at the slaughterhouses cheat the men by ________ their hours of work.
(a) Increasing
(b) Eliminating all of
(c) Ignoring
(d) Rounding down

9. Who ignores the carcasses that pass by unchecked on the conveyor belt?
(a) The government inspector
(b) Ona
(c) The women
(d) Jurgis

10. Where does Jurgis get his next job?
(a) Another slaughterhouse
(b) A farm
(c) A fertilizer plant
(d) The canning factory

11. Who begins to develop a cough like the one that killed Jurgis' father?
(a) Marija
(b) Antanas
(c) Jurgis
(d) Ona

12. Where is the most diseased meat sent?
(a) To the dump
(b) To the sausage factory
(c) To the workers
(d) To the pickle rooms

13. What does the family find out about their home?
(a) It's not new
(b) It's been sold to someone else too
(c) It's not insulated
(d) It's going to be demolished

14. What is/are the name(s) of Ona's child(ren)?
(a) Antanas, Onata, and Jonas
(b) Antanas and Onata
(c) Antanas
(d) Onata

15. Who is the leader of the Democratic party?
(a) Thompson
(b) Jurgis
(c) Mike Scully
(d) Conner

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jurgis understand for the first time as part of the union?

2. What is another name for Chicago?

3. What does Ona give birth to?

4. What makes the family realize they will need to make more money?

5. Who is the leader of the band at the wedding reception?

(see the answer keys)

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