The Widening Gyre Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Widening Gyre Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the girl Spenser stops?
(a) Linda.
(b) Lauren.
(c) Janey.
(d) Denise.

2. Who does Spenser think could attack him?
(a) Joe Broz.
(b) Robert Browne.
(c) Greg Broz.
(d) Susan.

3. Against whom does Spenser tell Gerry's clients he is building a case?
(a) A serial killer.
(b) A slave trader.
(c) A gun smuggler.
(d) A drug trafficker.

4. Where does Spenser think he would be sitting if Joe knew about his son?
(a) In the back of Joe's car.
(b) A morgue.
(c) A warehouse.
(d) A police cell.

5. What does Cynthia's husband buy from Gerry?
(a) Hashish.
(b) Heroin.
(c) Speed.
(d) Cocaine.

6. Who does Spenser call at the Boston Globe?
(a) Gordon.
(b) Dickinson.
(c) Cosgrove.
(d) Formby.

7. Who is in Joe's office besides Joe and Spenser?
(a) Morris.
(b) Greg.
(c) Ed.
(d) Nolan.

8. Who is the only person in the case that leads Spenser to Joe Broz?
(a) Morris.
(b) Greg.
(c) Nolan.
(d) Ronni.

9. What does Gerry have installed in his bedroom and bathroom?
(a) A two-way mirror.
(b) A periscope.
(c) A one-way mirror.
(d) A telescope.

10. Where does Spenser visit in Chapter 27?
(a) The History Museum.
(b) The Playhouse.
(c) The Transport Museum.
(d) The National Gallery.

11. With whom are the two older women having sex?
(a) Gerry and his friend.
(b) Joe and Meade.
(c) Cosgrove and Quirke.
(d) Browne and Morris.

12. What does Spenser accuse Linda of participating in?
(a) An orgy.
(b) A drug game.
(c) A theft.
(d) A shoot out.

13. What does Hawk say Joe would rather do than deal with himself, Quirk and Spenser?
(a) Kill Browne.
(b) Give up.
(c) Disown his own son.
(d) Leave the country.

14. What exercise does Spenser take in Chapter 29?
(a) A tennis game.
(b) A row.
(c) A squash game.
(d) A jog.

15. Where do two men follow Spenser to?
(a) A beach.
(b) His hotel.
(c) A car park.
(d) His office.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cynthia's surname?

2. Who is sitting next to Spenser when he wakes up in the hospital?

3. Where does Spenser meet Browne?

4. What does Spenser say love is?

5. Who do Spenser and Hawk arrange a meeting with in Chapter 32?

(see the answer keys)

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