The Wasp Factory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wasp Factory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Frank holding onto when the search party for Esmeralda found him?
(a) A piece of driftwood.
(b) A bunch of flowers.
(c) A handful of sand.
(d) Esmerelda's shoe.

2. What does Frank say Paul hit the German mortar with?
(a) A baseball bat.
(b) A plank.
(c) A shovel.
(d) A log.

3. What must Frank do to get to Rabbit Grounds?
(a) Climb a tree.
(b) Go through a tunnel.
(c) Take a boat.
(d) Cross a bridge.

4. In "Sacrifice Poles," what does Eric tell Frank about his location when he calls?
(a) He says he is at a truck stop.
(b) He says he is in a different state.
(c) He won't say where he is.
(d) He says he is outside the house.

5. Why does Frank burn the wasp in "In the Bunker"?
(a) To see a message from Eric.
(b) To cleanse his own soul.
(c) To keep the poles safe.
(d) To bless the dead rabbits.

6. What happens to Frank during his fight with the buck in "The Snake Park"?
(a) Nothing happens to him.
(b) He gets scratched.
(c) His arm is broken.
(d) He gets bit.

7. Where does Frank say his father got the cordite from?
(a) His uncle.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) His work.
(d) The local college.

8. How does Athelwald Trapley's house explode?
(a) He lights a cigarette.
(b) It is struck by lightning.
(c) Someone throws a bomb near the house.
(d) His stove explodes.

9. Why is Eric angry about the dog in the phone booth with him when he calls Frank?
(a) Because the dog is ugly.
(b) Because the dog is loud.
(c) Because the dog is in his way.
(d) Because the dog escapes.

10. How does Frank get to and from town?
(a) A bus.
(b) A car.
(c) A bike.
(d) A train.

11. What does Frank say he started doing after his accident?
(a) Hating his mother.
(b) Killing small animals.
(c) Going to church.
(d) Killing his relatives.

12. What does Frank hear Eric do to a dog over the phone?
(a) Torture it.
(b) Slap it.
(c) Ignore it.
(d) Yell at it.

13. What nickname does Frank give his friend Jamie?
(a) Jamie the fool.
(b) Jamie the drunkard.
(c) Jamie the judge.
(d) Jamie the dwarf.

14. What does Frank say when Angus accuses him of killing animals in "Sacrifice Poles"?
(a) He says nothing.
(b) That he is not Eric.
(c) That it is his job.
(d) That he doesn't do that.

15. In "The Bomb Circle," what does Frank say about the people inside him?
(a) They tell him what is best.
(b) There is only one person inside of him.
(c) They are different.
(d) They argue.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Frank put razors on the edges of a Frisbee?

2. What did Frank do while Agnes was giving birth?

3. What does Frank do before falling asleep in "Sacrifice Poles"?

4. What does Frank say his father does in Inverness?

5. What does Frank like about the naming ceremony for his catapult?

(see the answer keys)

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