The Virtue of Selfishness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Virtue of Selfishness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From the objectivist perspective, what should the risk on committing an act of good will be proportionate to?
(a) Nothing, it should be a selfless act.
(b) Public recognition.
(c) A reward.
(d) One's happiness.

2. Rand states that judgment is a ______ action to commit.
(a) Correct.
(b) Professional.
(c) Moral.
(d) Difficult.

3. What word does Rand state that philosophers substitute for God?
(a) The Church.
(b) Satan.
(c) People.
(d) Society.

4. Which of the following areas is Nathaniel Branden's area of expertise?
(a) Psychology.
(b) Neuroscience.
(c) Philosophy.
(d) Theology.

5. At the conclusion of Rand's essay on the Objectivist ethics, what does she state is the standard value for the Objectivist?
(a) The development of the world.
(b) The creation of offspring.
(c) Man's life.
(d) The society.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ayn Rand defines value as something that a person believes is necessary to do what?

2. According to "Isn't Everyone Selfish?", one must ask which question about the desired action?

3. Complete the quote: "_____ is a desire experienced by a person who does not know and does not care to discover its cause."

4. What does Rand believe the nature of the human mind to be?

5. What must the goals one chooses to pursue be in order to be a rational thinker?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Branden's thoughts on anxiety and guilt as stated in his essay regarding Mental Health and Mysticism?

2. What is Ayn Rand's overall attempt in the writing of her essay, "The Cult of Moral Grayness?"

3. Describe what Rand states in "The Objectivist Ethics" that philosophers and scientists have never been able to do?

4. How might society commonly define compromise?

5. How does altruism fit into Branden's essay, "Isn't Everyone Selfish?"

6. How must one first begin to identify what is gray, according to Ayn Rand?

7. What does Rand say about the definition of society in her essay "The Objectivist Ethics?"

8. What is Ayn Rand's definition of judgment?

9. Why is Ayn Rand so against compromise?

10. What are Branden's ideas of self-sacrifice regarding mental health?

(see the answer keys)

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