The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the scout report?
(a) A safe landing is not possible.
(b) The Surprise cannot get close, but a boat can get within 100 yards of shore.
(c) A safe landing is possible at low tide.
(d) There is a quarantine due to an outbreak of the plague.

2. What is Aubrey doing as he is standing on the quarterdeck?
(a) Talking to the officer accused of cheating.
(b) Contemplating the previous weeks' events.
(c) Watching a punishment of 20 lashes being carried out.
(d) Talking to Maturin about what they will do when they reach the West Indies.

3. Who does Aubrey send out to scout?
(a) Oakes.
(b) Pullings.
(c) Maturin.
(d) Bonden.

4. What does Aubrey realize?
(a) That the contraband whiskey must have come aboard at the last port call.
(b) That the ship must not have been thoroughly checked for rats at the last port.
(c) That he has found the source of the crew's apparent high morale.
(d) The dead crew member just signed on at the last port.

5. How does narration characterize their mission?
(a) Partly successful, but they fail to fulfill one aspect of the mission.
(b) An abject failure.
(c) It has not yet been completed.
(d) Successful.

6. For what does the Surprise ready?
(a) An encounter with a French war brig.
(b) An encounter with a hurricane.
(c) An encounter with the 2nd Naval Fleet under Admiral Leighton.
(d) Its first at-sea inspection by the captain.

7. What angers Aubrey about Padeen Coleman?
(a) That he brought liquor on board the ship.
(b) That he challenges Aubrey on a matter of seamanship.
(c) That he chose to stay at their last port.
(d) That he is aboard the vessel.

8. Where has one of the patients that Maturin is examining been?
(a) Tibet.
(b) Norfolk Island.
(c) China.
(d) India.

9. Where is the Surprise ordered?
(a) To the West Indies.
(b) To some islands off Cape Horn.
(c) To the Mediterrean.
(d) To Moahu.

10. What British interests or laws are being threatened?
(a) The rum import tariff.
(b) The slave trade act of 1807.
(c) Fur-trading.
(d) The monopoly on coffee.

11. What does Aubrey inspect with Tom?
(a) The cable tiers.
(b) The galley.
(c) The rigging.
(d) The ropes.

12. What do Maturin and Aubrey agree on about Clarissa?
(a) She is strikingly beautiful.
(b) She is no great beauty.
(c) She is rather coarse.
(d) She is rather quiet.

13. What does Martin accept from Maturin?
(a) A few pounds to tide him over until he finds a new position.
(b) A position as clergy.
(c) Being dropped at a missionary settlement near Cape Horn.
(d) A position of shipboard chaplain.

14. What does Aubrey discover about his land holdings?
(a) They have several opportunities for clergy.
(b) They have been realigned to the Duke's land borders.
(c) They have dropped in value.
(d) They are being taxed at a higher rate than the year before.

15. What are Aubrey and Maturin doing as they sail?
(a) Playing whist.
(b) Playing chess.
(c) Discussing the war.
(d) Reading their letters from home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who smuggles Clarissa on board?

2. How does Aubrey occupy his time when not commanding the ship?

3. What do Aubrey and the scout seem to have?

4. What color is the bolt of silk which Aubrey has?

5. What is Aubrey intending to do?

(see the answer keys)

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