The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom does Aubrey give his word that there are no stowaways on board?
(a) The navy admiral stationed in Port Jackson.
(b) The military police.
(c) The sheriff.
(d) The governor.

2. What port do they depart at the opening of the story?
(a) Port Jackson.
(b) Port au Prince.
(c) Luxumborg.
(d) Haifa.

3. What is Maturin's position on board?
(a) The steward.
(b) The cook.
(c) The first mate.
(d) The ship's surgeon.

4. How does Aubrey find the Surprise?
(a) In fair order.
(b) In excellent order.
(c) In total disarray.
(d) Everything but the crew quarters was acceptable.

5. How does narration characterize their mission?
(a) Successful.
(b) It has not yet been completed.
(c) An abject failure.
(d) Partly successful, but they fail to fulfill one aspect of the mission.

6. What is the approximate date at the opening of the novel?
(a) 1813.
(b) 1833.
(c) 1811.
(d) 1820.

7. Who owns the vessel?
(a) The English naval department.
(b) Maturin.
(c) The Dutch government.
(d) Aubrey.

8. Who is pursuing the Surprise?
(a) An American man-of-war.
(b) An American privateer.
(c) A British cutter.
(d) A French man-of-war.

9. What does Aubrey discover about his land holdings?
(a) They have been realigned to the Duke's land borders.
(b) They have dropped in value.
(c) They are being taxed at a higher rate than the year before.
(d) They have several opportunities for clergy.

10. What does the scout report?
(a) A safe landing is not possible.
(b) A safe landing is possible at low tide.
(c) There is a quarantine due to an outbreak of the plague.
(d) The Surprise cannot get close, but a boat can get within 100 yards of shore.

11. What does Aubrey host as the Surprise heads for its new assignment?
(a) A wedding dinner.
(b) A sword fighting contest.
(c) A rig climbing contest.
(d) Dinner for the officers aboard the vessel that delivers the new orders.

12. How does Aubrey occupy his time when not commanding the ship?
(a) Teaching some of the junior officers.
(b) Writing his wife long letters.
(c) Sorting through his estate papers.
(d) Playing bridge with Maturin.

13. What does Aubrey note among the crew?
(a) Much merriment and amusement.
(b) Despondency.
(c) Hostility.
(d) Confusion.

14. For what will they use the harpooned creature?
(a) Bait to catch more fish.
(b) A wedding dinner for Oakes and Clarissa.
(c) To sell at the next port for fresh fruit.
(d) To stuff as a trophy on the outer bulkhead.

15. What angers Aubrey about Padeen Coleman?
(a) That he brought liquor on board the ship.
(b) That he challenges Aubrey on a matter of seamanship.
(c) That he is aboard the vessel.
(d) That he chose to stay at their last port.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the crew catch?

2. Who smuggles Clarissa on board?

3. Where has one of the patients that Maturin is examining been?

4. What does Aubrey decide about Oakes and Clarissa?

5. What will happen if Oakes marries Clarissa?

(see the answer keys)

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