The Subtle Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Subtle Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Will and Lyra see the children are carrying as they head towards Will and Lyra's location?
(a) Hanging ropes
(b) Gasoline
(c) Guns
(d) Knives

2. What does Mrs. Coulter explain has been done to the two bodyguards she has?
(a) Given lobotomies
(b) Paid as mercenaries
(c) Daemons have been cut away
(d) Skulls have been drilled

3. What does Will has happened to him after the fight is over?
(a) Will is missing a piece of his ear
(b) Will has been cut on the foot badly
(c) Will has lost two of his fingers
(d) Will has been cut at the knee badly

4. Who does Lyra suddenly realize that Sir Charles is?
(a) A magistrate
(b) Lord Boreal
(c) An evil sorcerer
(d) Lord Asreil

5. What does the Dust tell Dr. Malone that she must do before she leaves to go on her journey?
(a) Kill Sir Charles
(b) Find Lyra
(c) Fix the equipment
(d) Destory the equipment

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Will realize when Sir Charles asks about Pantalaimon?

2. What does Grumman say Specters feed on?

3. What does Paolo yell at Lyra after the Specters have attacked Tullio?

4. What does Ruta Skadi tell the other witches she believes Lord Asreil is capable of?

5. Where does Lee find that Grumman is from after listening to his accent?

(see the answer keys)

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