The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sir Charles claim to be and is the reason he wants the alethiometer?
(a) A bitter old man
(b) A collector
(c) A truth seeker
(d) A magistrate for the Church

2. What do Lyra and Will hear when they go back through the window to the other world after they are done at the cinema?
(a) Screaming
(b) Coughing
(c) Laughing
(d) Gun fire

3. What does Lyra's daemon, Pantalaimon, do that shocks Will for a moment?
(a) Bites him
(b) Micheal Jackson's thriller dance
(c) Speaks
(d) Shape shifts

4. At the beginning of chapter four who does Will call?
(a) Family lawyer
(b) Family doctor
(c) His mother
(d) Mrs. Cooper

5. What do the men ask Will's mother about when they come to see her?
(a) A lost cat
(b) Wil's father
(c) Her money
(d) A golden compass

6. What does Lyra check on to make sure it isn't broken after she is struck by the car?
(a) Her ipod
(b) Her daemon
(c) Her leg
(d) Alethiometer

7. Where does Mr. Perkins tell Will that his father, John Parry, was when he went missing?
(a) Alaska
(b) Antartica
(c) Australia
(d) Africa

8. When Lyra asks the alethiometer where to find a Scholar to ask about the dust, what does the alethiometer tell her to be sure not to do when she speaks with the Scholar?
(a) Lie to him
(b) Show him the alethiometer
(c) Pick his pocket
(d) Show him Pantalaimon

9. What does Hester tell Lee to take after the Skraeling is dead?
(a) His ring
(b) His coat
(c) His letter to the Church
(d) His money purse

10. What does Will decide to do rather than phoning his mother?
(a) Send her a telegram
(b) Write her a post card
(c) Send her flowers
(d) Send her a text message

11. Why does Lee explain he is looking for Stanislaus Grumman?
(a) Lee owes Stanislaus money
(b) A witch sent him
(c) Stanislaus took Lee's horse
(d) Stanislaus owes him money

12. How does Lyra tell Will she got to the world her and Will are currently in in chapter three?
(a) Sailed on a magic ship
(b) A bridge her father made
(c) A witch flew her there
(d) She took a bus

13. What does Mrs. Coulter do to the witch when the witch refuses to tell her anything about Lyra?
(a) Pulls out the witch's finger nails
(b) Forces the witch to watch Bradey Bunch reruns
(c) Gouges out the witch's eyes
(d) Breaks the witch's fingers one at a time

14. Why does Sarafina not want to use the spell which makes her invisible?
(a) It draws ghosts to use it
(b) It can hurt her daemon
(c) It will leave her exhauseted
(d) It can kill a witch

15. What does Queen Ruta Skadi say that she is going to go do when the witch council is ended?
(a) Hunt down the Magistrate
(b) Take a nap
(c) Find Asriel
(d) Go to her clan and prepare for war

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Umaq tell Lee to go ask about Stanislaus Grumman?

2. What does Lyra feel the loss of the alethiometer has changed her into?

3. What does Lyra tell the police officers that she and Will are looking for?

4. Where does Will go to hide for a short period of time when he first reaches Oxford?

5. What does Will do with the green leather writing case before going back to his world?

(see the answer keys)

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