The Subtle Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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The Subtle Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12, Screen Language.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sir Charles say he has been working as for many years?
(a) A multiworld inspecter
(b) A church official
(c) A table dancer
(d) A spy

2. When the young witch, Juta Kamainen, comes to Serafina what does she say about Stanislaus Grumman?
(a) He has been dead for many years
(b) She loves him
(c) She wants to kill him
(d) She knows he works for the church

3. What does Lyra suggest they do in order to get the alethiometer back?
(a) Use the window to get into Sir Charles' bedroom
(b) Go to Dr. Malone for help
(c) Steal it
(d) Go to the police

4. Where does Lee find that Grumman is from after listening to his accent?
(a) England
(b) America
(c) Russia
(d) Australia

5. Why does Will tell Sir Charles it doesn't matter if he knows where the door to Cittagazze is?
(a) Sir Charles knows of other doorways already
(b) Sir Charles is too old to follow
(c) Sir Charles is scared of the Specters
(d) Sir Charles is wanted for murder in Cittagazze

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Will begin looking for when he goes back to his empty house?

2. What does Sir Charles tell Will he will do if Will comes back without the knife?

3. What does Lee do when they first arrive at the Tartar village?

4. At the beginning of chapter four who does Will call?

5. What does Lyra do to distract Sir Charles and Mrs. Coulter while Will retrieves the alethiometer?

(see the answer key)

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