The Subtle Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Subtle Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Trepanning.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Will ask Mrs. Cooper to do for him?
(a) Come clean his house
(b) Fix him some soup
(c) Watch his mother
(d) Hide him

2. What does Will do with the green leather writing case before going back to his world?
(a) Puts it under a bridge
(b) Slips it under the mattress
(c) Hides it in the library
(d) Puts it under the refridgerator

3. What does Will notice is missing in regards to his father that cause him to wonder about the stories his mother tells?
(a) No souvenirs
(b) No pictures or proof
(c) No postcards
(d) No phone calls

4. Who does Dr. Lanselius tell Serafina to go and talk to that might have answers about Lord Asriel?
(a) Lyra
(b) Thorold
(c) Lord Asriel's brother
(d) Mrs. Coulter

5. Where does Mr. Perkins tell Will that his father, John Parry, was when he went missing?
(a) Alaska
(b) Africa
(c) Antartica
(d) Australia

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Angelica tell Lyra and Will it is that has made the grown ups leave?

2. What is Lyra surprised to see that Will doesn't have?

3. When Will is forced to flee his home where does he travel to in order to find answers to his questions?

4. What does Will tell the driver of the car that hit Lyra that they are?

5. What does Lyra produce when Will asks her if she has any money?

(see the answer key)

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