The Subtle Knife Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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The Subtle Knife Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9, Theft.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Lyra asks the alethiometer where to find a Scholar to ask about the dust, what does the alethiometer tell her to be sure not to do when she speaks with the Scholar?
(a) Show him the alethiometer
(b) Lie to him
(c) Show him Pantalaimon
(d) Pick his pocket

2. What do Will and Lyra find the children of Cittagazze are fighting?
(a) Dog
(b) Witch
(c) Alligator
(d) Cat

3. Why does Sarafina not want to use the spell which makes her invisible?
(a) It can kill a witch
(b) It can hurt her daemon
(c) It draws ghosts to use it
(d) It will leave her exhauseted

4. When Will rescues the cat, what does Lyra think it is for a brief moment?
(a) Will's daemon
(b) A ghost
(c) A zombie
(d) A Specter

5. What does the Cardinal suggest that Mrs. Coulter must have known about and not told them?
(a) That Mrs. Coulter knew about the prophecy concerning Lyra
(b) That Mrs. Coulter is hiding Lyra
(c) That Mrs. Coulter is helping Lyra's father
(d) That Mrs. Coulter is aiding the witches

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lyra tell the police officers that she and Will are looking for?

2. What form does Pantalaimon take that scares the children of Cittagazze away?

3. What does the word "Yambe-Adda" mean?

4. What does Queen Ruta Skadi say that she is going to go do when the witch council is ended?

5. What does Mrs. Coulter say that Lord Asriel is up to?

(see the answer key)

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