The Song of the Lark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Song of the Lark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Archie invite Thor to visit Spanish Johnny?
(a) Because they are brothers.
(b) Archie doesn't invite Thor to visit Spanish Johnny.
(c) Because Thor speaks Spanish.
(d) Because Spanish Johnny is Thor's favorite author.

2. Who is Reverend Lars Larson?
(a) A friend of Thea's father.
(b) A friend of Thea's mother.
(c) The man who baptized Thea.
(d) A famous preacher on TV.

3. Why doesn't Thea want to go pick berries at Archie's?
(a) Because Mrs. Archie is mean.
(b) Because her parents have forbidden her to go there.
(c) Because she doesn't trust Archie.
(d) Because their house is haunted.

4. In what month do Archie and Thea bump into each other in the middle of the night?
(a) July.
(b) December.
(c) March.
(d) November.

5. How does Ray die?
(a) He drowns.
(b) He kills himself because Thea won't marry him.
(c) He is hit by a train and killed.
(d) He is murdered by an unknown assailant.

6. What was the ultimate goal of Thea's studying of piano?
(a) So she could be a teacher.
(b) So she could play in a band.
(c) So she could be a famous piano performer.
(d) So she could find a boyfriend or husband.

7. In what kind of storm does Archie meet Thea and Thor once?
(a) A thunderstorm.
(b) A rainstorm.
(c) A hailstorm.
(d) A sandstorm.

8. Who wrote "The Song of the Lark"?
(a) Jane Austen.
(b) Ernest Hemingway.
(c) J. K. Rowling.
(d) Willa Cather.

9. Why does Thea's mother let her drop out of school?
(a) So she can help take care of the kids.
(b) So she can become the town piano teacher.
(c) So she can work more in the family restaurant.
(d) So she can find someone to marry.

10. What request of Thea does Anna make immediately upon her initial return to Moonstone?
(a) That she sing at a funeral.
(b) That she pay money for rent and food.
(c) That she clean her room.
(d) That she not go into her room.

11. How many students does Thea have when she starts giving piano lessons?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

12. Who is Mrs. Tellamantez?
(a) A strange lady who lies in town.
(b) Thea's mother.
(c) Spanish Johnny's wife.
(d) Dr. Archie's wife.

13. Why does Archie give Wunsch a sedative upon bringing him home after discovering him wrapped in a blanket?
(a) To prevent him from becoming violent.
(b) To keep him calm until the police arrive.
(c) To prevent him from remembering the embarrassing things he did.
(d) To prevent him from vomiting.

14. Where is Mrs. Anderson from?
(a) Poland.
(b) Italy.
(c) France.
(d) Germany.

15. Why is Mrs. Harsanyi disappointed that Thea will no longer be her husband's student?
(a) Because she paid a lot of money for the lessons.
(b) Because she was hoping to adopt her.
(c) Because she hoped Harsanyi would find fame through her.
(d) Because she enjoyed listening to her play.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who carries Wunsch home after he is found sitting, wrapped in a blanket?

2. What is the first illness Dr. Archie diagnoses in Thea?

3. Why has Thea chosen to study music?

4. What happens to Wunsch's piano students after his drunken incident?

5. Where does Professor Wunsch live?

(see the answer keys)

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