The Song of the Lark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Song of the Lark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item in the Kohler garden does Wunsch damage?
(a) The peach tree.
(b) The dove house.
(c) The oldest tree in town.
(d) The mailbox.

2. Where is Mrs. Anderson from?
(a) Poland.
(b) France.
(c) Germany.
(d) Italy.

3. Where does the tramp try to put on a show?
(a) In Thea's house.
(b) In the town square.
(c) The Moonstone.
(d) In city hall.

4. What is one of the first things Thea learns during her studies with Harsanyi?
(a) That he is a bad teacher.
(b) That he has a crush on her.
(c) That she has much to learn.
(d) That she is incredibly gifted.

5. What impresses Wunsch the most about Thea?
(a) Her willingness to work hard.
(b) Her beautiful skin.
(c) Her family's wealth.
(d) Her intelligence.

6. How does Mrs. Kronborg resolve the argument about music on Sundays between her two daughters?
(a) She makes both clean the other's room.
(b) She sends both to their room with no dinner.
(c) She doesn't take sides and assigns Anna a section of the Bible to read.
(d) She makes both of them cook dinner for everyone.

7. With whom does Thea perform in the holiday concert?
(a) Lily.
(b) Archie.
(c) Thor.
(d) No one; it is a concert only featuring her.

8. Why does Thea's mother let her drop out of school?
(a) So she can become the town piano teacher.
(b) So she can help take care of the kids.
(c) So she can work more in the family restaurant.
(d) So she can find someone to marry.

9. In what kind of storm does Archie meet Thea and Thor once?
(a) A rainstorm.
(b) A hailstorm.
(c) A thunderstorm.
(d) A sandstorm.

10. What are the townspeople doing when Archie and Thea bump into each other in the middle of the night?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Rioting.
(c) Attending a meeting about Wunsch.
(d) Celebrating at a festival.

11. How much life insurance money does Ray leave for Thea?
(a) Sixty dollars.
(b) Six hundred dollars.
(c) Six thousand dollars.
(d) Sixty thousand dollars.

12. How does Thea feel about her initial rented room in Chicago?
(a) She worries it is too small.
(b) She finds it pleasant.
(c) She worries it is too big.
(d) She hates it.

13. What does Larson offer Thea after he hears her sing?
(a) A position with his family choir.
(b) A position with the school choir.
(c) A position with the professional choir.
(d) A position with the church choir.

14. Why has Thea chosen to study music?
(a) Because she is trying to disobey her parents.
(b) Because it is where she excels.
(c) Because she is blind.
(d) Because she is a servant and that is her job.

15. How does Spanish Johnny escape Wunsch's attack?
(a) He crashes through the door.
(b) He slips out the window.
(c) He steals a car to get away.
(d) He crawls up the chimney.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mrs. Harsanyi disappointed that Thea will no longer be her husband's student?

2. What weapon does Wunsch have when he is found drunk in the garden?

3. What does Thea perform at the concert?

4. With whom do Thea and Ray ride the train car?

5. How does Spanish Johnny often return from his adventures?

(see the answer keys)

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