The Seven Storey Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Seven Storey Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Merton unhappy while he is teaching?
(a) He wants to visit with his close friends, but they have been drafted.
(b) He wants to visit Europe, but doesn't have the money.
(c) He yearns to be a priest, but is told he doesn't have a vocation.
(d) He wants to go on retreat, but can't decide where to go.

2. What details of war make Merton uncomfortable?
(a) The destruction of monasteries.
(b) Bombing raids and the death of innocent people.
(c) The hierarchy of the military.
(d) The experiences of the infantry.

3. What causes Merton's unhappiness when he is teaching?
(a) Being separated from his friends.
(b) Not being able to find a meaningful job.
(c) Receiving a draft notice.
(d) Being forced to withdraw his application to the monastery.

4. What does Merton see as his vocation while he is in Olean?
(a) Praying.
(b) Painting.
(c) Lecturing.
(d) Writing.

5. When does John Paul die?
(a) December, 1940.
(b) September, 1941.
(c) April, 1943.
(d) June, 1944.

6. What does Merton say in Part 2, Chapter 2, will not save his mind from its state of sin?
(a) Learning about philosophy.
(b) Occasional trips to church.
(c) Summers in the country.
(d) A trip to the hospital.

7. What impact does Catherine de Hueck have on Merton?
(a) She inspires him with her work among the poor.
(b) Her belief he should leave the priesthood angers him.
(c) Her calling to become a nun makes him envious.
(d) Her wealth influences him.

8. Who does Merton blame for the war, besides Hitler?
(a) The French people.
(b) His father.
(c) Himself.
(d) His professors.

9. What pattern of behavior is repeated in Merton's quest for the priesthood?
(a) He depends on others to make difficult decisions for him.
(b) He would rather let circumstances push him in one direction or another.
(c) After spending a delaying a decision, he is impatient for action once he decides.
(d) He asks everyone for advice and then ignores what he is told.

10. How does Merton want to live in the world?
(a) As a chaplain in the military.
(b) As a good and righteous lay person.
(c) As a religious teacher.
(d) As a monk.

11. What action does Merton take to become a monk after lunch at the Columbia Faculty Club?
(a) He applies for early admission to the Franciscans.
(b) He visits his brother to discuss the matter.
(c) He writes to the abbot at Gethsemani.
(d) He follows the advice of Mark Van Doren.

12. What was Merton hoping to gain at his country cottage?
(a) Order and structure in his life.
(b) A replacement for school classes.
(c) A romantic relationship.
(d) Excitement and fun.

13. What does Merton say he needs when he begins talking about being a priest?
(a) A rule that would lead him to parish ministry.
(b) A rule designed to detach him from the world.
(c) A rule that would allow him to do community outreach.
(d) A rule that would prepare him to teach at the university.

14. What does the Baroness tell Merton when he questions his spiritual path and calling?
(a) That he is on the wrong path and is making a mistake.
(b) To keep writing and pray to God more.
(c) To come with her to France.
(d) That he should sell all of his possessions.

15. What, in Part 2, Chapter 2, causes Merton to feel enthusiastic?
(a) Going to confession.
(b) Writing poems.
(c) Playing sports.
(d) Learning Latin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Merton tell his brother when he comes to Gethsemani?

2. Why can Merton register for the draft as a conscientious objector?

3. What did Merton and his friends grow in Olean?

4. What does Merton desire just before going to Olean?

5. What does Merton think his motive should be for writing?

(see the answer keys)

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