The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is subtly by degrees Screwtape's preferred method of temptation?
(a) The world will creep into a person unnoticed.
(b) Subtly disguises the work of the fiend.
(c) The worldly recognize strong fiend tactics.
(d) The Enemy has no counter measure to subtly.

2. What is the goal of true humility?
(a) To turn the person's attention to God and others.
(b) To guarantee salvation of the soul.
(c) To guarantee God is pleased.
(d) To turn the person's attention to all sinfulness.

3. Why is it preferable to focus the patient's mind on the future?
(a) This stirs up ambition.
(b) This stirs up emphasis on the unimportant.
(c) This stirs up memories of past shortcomings.
(d) This is contrary to what God prefers.

4. Why does Screwtape favor prayer for the soul?
(a) Prayer for the soul cannot be measured, totally wasted.
(b) Excessive prayer without results discourages the patient.
(c) The soul becomes imaginary, the prayed for person becomes less real.
(d) Prayer for the soul distracts from reality.

5. What have the Enemy's servants taught for 2000 years as the greatest temptation?
(a) Pride
(b) Science
(c) Sex
(d) Worldliness

6. When does humor always work toward a destructive purpose?
(a) When humor mocks worldly matters.
(b) When humor involves a lack of chastity.
(c) When humor involves only family members.
(d) When humor mocks the Enemy.

7. What does Screwtape think is the true danger about wars?
(a) Creates heroes and legends people will believe.
(b) Resolves differences among enemies.
(c) Occupies people's minds, making distraction difficult.
(d) Diverts people from themselves to perceived higher values and causes.

8. Why should Wormwood draw the patient's attention to his humility?
(a) Humility discourages self-examination.
(b) Humility befuddles the mind of the patient.
(c) Pride sets in almost immediately when a person thinks he is humble.
(d) Humility encourages belief in modern jargon.

9. What does Screwtape say is another sign of gluttony in addition to overconsumption?
(a) Rude manners at table.
(b) Crankiness if denied one's way.
(c) Choosing to eat alone whenever possible.
(d) Absence of pleasant conversation at table.

10. Why does Screwtape advise it is good the new Christian is still going to church?
(a) Allows him to think he understands all about the Enemy.
(b) Keeps him from noticing his faith is slipping away.
(c) Keeps him alert to the sins of fellow churchgoers.
(d) Keeps his focus on empty ritual rather than substance.

11. Why are factions to be encouraged by fiends?
(a) Factions foster pride and hatred.
(b) Factions suppress positive thinking.
(c) Factions divide families and friends.
(d) Factions draw people away from the Enemy.

12. What does Screwtape see as one advantage of church?
(a) Church can become routine and boring.
(b) Church is inconvenient.
(c) Church can become a mindless habit.
(d) Church can be made rife with factionalism.

13. What makes the fiend's job easier?
(a) When a person is concerned with what to do, regardless of what happens.
(b) When a person is concerned with what to do, not what to think.
(c) When a person resents what has already happened, not what to do presently.
(d) When a person is concerned with what might happen, not with what to do.

14. When does Screwtape think it more advisable that the patient not think about the future?
(a) If the patient thinks he should arm himself with virtues in the present.
(b) If the patient foresees a world identical to the present.
(c) If the patient has a dull imagination.
(d) If the patient thinks the Enemy servants will provide protection.

15. What is an excellent way to insulate the heart from the Enemy?
(a) Find fault with all types of humor.
(b) Flippantly pass off everything as subject matter for jest.
(c) Jokes about the Enemy and his servants.
(d) Raunchy jokes about sexual excess.

Short Answer Questions

1. Screwtape tells Wormwood to train the patient about prayer.

2. According to Lewis, when should a person be uncritical of other Christians' practices?

3. What does Screwtape remind is the real business of a fiend?

4. What is the law of Undulation?

5. What is Screwtape's description of the safest road to Hell?

(see the answer keys)

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