The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Screwtape Letters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Enemy consistently helps the patient in which of these situations?
(a) Grief and sadness.
(b) Present and actual suffering.
(c) Calm for imagined fears and hypotheticals.
(d) Imagined daily slights and insults.

2. What is the goal of true humility?
(a) To turn the person's attention to all sinfulness.
(b) To turn the person's attention to God and others.
(c) To guarantee salvation of the soul.
(d) To guarantee God is pleased.

3. How does Lewis suggest the modern person avoid gluttony?
(a) Satisfy the appetites before joining others.
(b) Satisfy the appetites after departing from others.
(c) Take what is offered with humility and gratitude.
(d) Diet constantly, consume very little.

4. What does Screwtape suggest is a good strategy for ongoing fiend work?
(a) Allow the free will to seek sex perversions as a phase.
(b) Sex should always be overemphasized.
(c) Get the patient to think in terms of phases.
(d) All pleasures should be encouraged as only a phase.

5. What does Screwtape think is the true danger about wars?
(a) Diverts people from themselves to perceived higher values and causes.
(b) Occupies people's minds, making distraction difficult.
(c) Creates heroes and legends people will believe.
(d) Resolves differences among enemies.

6. What is the worst outcome for the fiend when a patient awakens to self and renewal?
(a) Realizes sin has to be overcome to avoid Hell.
(b) Realizes the true self of a human belongs to God.
(c) Realizes others are the source of his sinfulness.
(d) Realizes thoughts and emotions are more important than actions.

7. What does a new Christian think about going to church with commonplace neighbors?
(a) Gains much favor with God.
(b) The best means to know God's will.
(c) Shows humility and condescension.
(d) Necessary but unpleasant.

8. Why is a major sin by the patient not always helpful?
(a) The nature of major sin can vary from person to person.
(b) Serious sin needs to be repeated for full effect.
(c) Awakens the patient to just how lax he has become.
(d) Major sin is usually public, lessens impact.

9. What does Screwtape say is another sign of gluttony in addition to overconsumption?
(a) Choosing to eat alone whenever possible.
(b) Absence of pleasant conversation at table.
(c) Rude manners at table.
(d) Crankiness if denied one's way.

10. What should Wormwood do if the patient begins to think fiends exist?
(a) Suggest to patient he is losing his mind.
(b) Minimize fiendish activity for a spell.
(c) Suggest the patient converse with the fiends.
(d) Suggest a fiend image of something in red tights.

11. Why should a fiend never use science?
(a) Science changes over time.
(b) Science has too many sub-sections.
(c) Science prompts a person to think.
(d) Science is too difficult to understand.

12. Screwtape says humans living together will develop which of these over time?
(a) Voice tones and facials that irritate.
(b) Contradictory love and hate feelings.
(c) Spiritual awareness of the other.
(d) Dependency about practical life matters.

13. Why is subtly by degrees Screwtape's preferred method of temptation?
(a) Subtly disguises the work of the fiend.
(b) The worldly recognize strong fiend tactics.
(c) The Enemy has no counter measure to subtly.
(d) The world will creep into a person unnoticed.

14. What does Screwtape believe to be an elementary fact?
(a) Humans are incapable of setting and keeping goals.
(b) Humans can be easily misled.
(c) Humans always at some point distrust the Enemy.
(d) Humans tend to become whatever they pretend to be.

15. Why does Screwtape favor prayer for the soul?
(a) Excessive prayer without results discourages the patient.
(b) The soul becomes imaginary, the prayed for person becomes less real.
(c) Prayer for the soul distracts from reality.
(d) Prayer for the soul cannot be measured, totally wasted.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is Wormwood close to winning the soul of the patient in a faction?

2. Why does St. Paul suggest others should submit to those with rigid opinions concerning church details?

3. What is an excellent way to insulate the heart from the Enemy?

4. What does Screwtape describe as the only useful thing about war?

5. When does humor always work toward a destructive purpose?

(see the answer keys)

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