The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is responsible for Shalem and Dinah uniting?
(a) Re-nefer
(b) Rachel
(c) Hamor
(d) Leah

2. What does Dinah begin to take an interest in?
(a) cooking
(b) making clothes
(c) nursing babies
(d) being a midwife

3. Why is Dinah's pregnancy difficult?
(a) Dinah is severly depressed
(b) The baby is turned in the wrong position in the womb
(c) She goes into childbirth unexpectedly
(d) Dinah falls while pregnant

4. Why is Rebecca furious?
(a) Jacob has spent too much time away from his mother.
(b) Tabea did not spend time in the Red Tent during her period.
(c) Bilhah cries all the time
(d) Rachel is very vain.

5. What theme is explored in this chapter as Dinah falls in love with Shalem?
(a) Sexuality
(b) Young love
(c) Remorse
(d) Sexual agency

6. What happens while DInah is on her honeymoon?
(a) Levi visits the King and is treated grandly
(b) Jacob visits the King and is treated grandly
(c) Levi visits the King and is treated poorly
(d) Jacob visits the King and is treated poorly

7. Why does Re-mose threaten Zafenat Paneh-ah?
(a) Zafenat Paneh-ah punishes Re-mose for defying him
(b) Re-mose does not get a promotion he was promised.
(c) Zafenat Paneh-ah has offended Re-mose's mother
(d) He is angry that Zafenat Paneh-ah's family took away his future

8. What does DInah do before she leaves her mothers, brothers, and fathers forever?
(a) She curses the tribe of Jacob
(b) She cries and hugs her mothers
(c) She forgives her brothers
(d) She hits Levi

9. Who is Rebecca furious with?
(a) Adath
(b) DInah
(c) Bilhah
(d) Taeba

10. Who is sent to retrieve Rebecca from Dinah?
(a) Leah
(b) Joesph
(c) Rachel
(d) Reuben

11. In this chapter, how does DInah defy her mothers?
(a) She refuses to pass on the ways of Mamre
(b) She does not come to their aid when they are sick
(c) She curses the ways of Mamre
(d) She cuts off all contact with them

12. What do Jacob's sons demand happen to the men of Shechum?
(a) They request that a new palace be built for Dinah's family
(b) They demand part of the citizens' tax money
(c) They request to live in the palace
(d) They demand that all the men get circumcised

13. Who is happy with the match?
(a) Bilhah
(b) Zilpah
(c) Reuben
(d) Rachel

14. What does Dinah's admirer give her?
(a) a ring
(b) a treasure box
(c) a jewelry box
(d) a bracelet

15. Why is Dinah hopeful at the end of the chapter?
(a) Re-mose has decided to live with her
(b) Re-nefer has left Egypt ,giving Dinah a chance to get to know Re-mose
(c) Dinah is falling in love again
(d) Dinah is beginning a successful career as a nanny

Short Answer Questions

1. What is happening physically and mentally to Dinah?

2. What happens when Dinah gets her period?

3. What happens to Dinah at the end of the chapter?

4. Why is Rebecca disappointed with Dinah?

5. What becomes of Bilhah?

(see the answer keys)

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