The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Throughout history, what has been a great reward for a leader?
(a) Subjects that behave well.
(b) More ability to bring in food.
(c) More women to mate with.
(d) More land.

2. Young boys show a propensity for __________.
(a) Math.
(b) Physical activity.
(c) Being Angry.
(d) Verbal tasks.

3. What would the author like us to believe concerning nature versus nurture?
(a) Nurture is more influential than nature.
(b) Instead of being competitive, the two are complementary to each other.
(c) The two compete.
(d) Nature is more influential than nurture.

4. How do males fantasize?
(a) They concentrate on the sexual act itself.
(b) They think of several women.
(c) They only think about one woman.
(d) They do not fantasize.

5. Who argues that the mind is made up of many different "modules" that have evolved over time such as "fear snakes" and various cheater detection mechanisms?
(a) Cosmides and Tooby.
(b) Tooby.
(c) No one.
(d) Cosmides.

6. What is the "Machiavellian" hypothesis?
(a) Humans will never scheme against one another.
(b) Neighbors and fellow humans are always against you.
(c) Humans need greater and greater intelligence to scheme better than their neighbors and rivals.
(d) Protect yourself at all costs, even if you must kill your neighbor.

7. What is in the true interest of a female in reproduction?
(a) Polygamy.
(b) Monogamy.
(c) Infidelity.
(d) Altruism.

8. Why does the author think that there is now so much monogamy in humans?
(a) It is easier to be in a relationship with one person.
(b) Males and females want to focus on one set of children.
(c) It is much less expensive.
(d) Man's competitor in the sexual arms race (women) want it.

9. From this, what seems clear?
(a) The minds of women and men are unequal.
(b) Men and women should not think they have equal minds.
(c) Men and women have the same minds.
(d) Men and women must have different minds.

10. What seems to be partially the result of genetics?
(a) The ability to distinguish easily between objects.
(b) The ability to see whole objects distinctly.
(c) The ability to distinguish easily between objects and to see certain objects as whole.
(d) The ability to see certain objects as whole.

11. How do women prefer to live with men?
(a) In celibacy.
(b) In monogamy.
(c) In adultery .
(d) In polygamy.

12. In different times, when was marriage through cousins not appropriate?
(a) When large amounts of land were involved.
(b) It was never appropriate.
(c) Whenever the parents did not want them to marry.
(d) When the marriage was between unequal partners.

13. What do humans living in groups need to be able to tell about individuals in the group?
(a) If someone has ill feelings toward someone else.
(b) When someone is telling the truth.
(c) When one group member is cheating or breaking the rules
(d) If the group is healthy and functional.

14. What do apes and humans both prefer over being bored?
(a) Providing for their mates.
(b) Eating.
(c) Intelligence.
(d) Entertainmant.

15. If a male misses the change of his brain in the womb, what happens to him?
(a) He is too masculine.
(b) He is more feminine.
(c) He is bisexual.
(d) He is homosexual.

Short Answer Questions

1. Instead of this aspect, what are men really wanting as they are driven by biology?

2. Why might cousins be attracted to each other?

3. Human minds easily acquire new _____________, which is an advantage.

4. Females are ______ more likely to have the right kind of orgasm and to become impregnated when unfaithful.

5. According to the author, what is a female version of pornography?

(see the answer keys)

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