The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women Test | Final Test - Medium

Kate Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women Test | Final Test - Medium

Kate Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Due to radium poisoning, Edna Hussman's legs eventually took on what condition?
(a) Her legs were perpetually fractured.
(b) Her legs were irrevocably crossed.
(c) Her legs had no feeling in them.
(d) Her legs would not bend at the knee.

2. Who said, "It is not for myself I care. I am thinking more of the hundreds of girls to whom this [settlement] may serve as an example" (232)?
(a) Marguerite Carlough.
(b) Catherine Wolfe Donohue.
(c) Grace Fryer.
(d) Katherine Schaub.

3. What is a sarcoma?
(a) A part of the vertebrae.
(b) A fluid-filled sac.
(c) A ligament tear.
(d) A bone tumor.

4. When Catherine Wolfe Donohue was too ill to continue as a dial-painter at Radium Dial, what job was she given instead?
(a) Working in the mail room.
(b) Sweeping the floors of the studio.
(c) Cleaning out the compound from the dial-painters' dishes.
(d) Working in the darkroom.

5. At what type of establishment did Grace Fryer work after she left her position as a dial-painter?
(a) A school.
(b) A library.
(c) A pharmacy.
(d) A bank.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Catherine Wolfe Donohue noted that dial-painters in good health were examined often by Radium Dial-employed physicians, Catherine herself was only examined how many times in 1928?

2. Who bought a typewriter with part of her settlement money in hopes of beginning a career as a writer?

3. To what hospital was Ella Cruse admitted when her pimple grew in size and caused her entire face to swell?

4. Katherine Wiley launched a campaign to amend what type of law that affected the dial-painters?

5. What arrangements did Rufus Reed make for Peg Looney when she collapsed at work at Radium Dial in August of 1929?

Short Essay Questions

1. What ray of hope emerged when a Russian doctor stepped forward to help with the dial-painters' care and what was the outcome?

2. Once the United States Radium Corporation had paid each of the five litigants $10,000 and had promised to pay all of their future medical bills, what conditions did the company insist upon?

3. What results were yielded by the national radium conference held in December of 1928?

4. What prevented the Cruse family from pursuing their case against Radium Dial to hold them accountable in the death of Ella Cruse?

5. What was particularly difficult about Peg Looney's stay in the company doctor's hospital prior to her death from radium poisoning?

6. How did Dr. Frederick Flinn react to Raymond Berry's accusation that he held no medical license or degree?

7. What was The List of the Doomed and who made it?

8. When Radium Dial issued a summary of Peg Looney's autopsy report to the local paper, what information that they furnished was then added to Peg Looney's obituary?

9. When Katherine Schaub slipped and fell on the steps up to her house in Newark, what was the doctor's diagnosis?

10. What were Raymond Berry's qualifications as a lawyer?

(see the answer keys)

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