The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who shows up to talk with Shatov after Shatov's wife returns?
(a) Erkel.
(b) Virginsky.
(c) Peter.
(d) Fedka.

2. Who kills Shatov?
(a) Stavrogin.
(b) Peter.
(c) Liputin.
(d) Virginsky.

3. What is the narrator's response to Stepan Verkhovensky's reaction to the search of Peter's house?
(a) He is determined to bring Peter to justice.
(b) He is intimidated.
(c) He is worried.
(d) He is baffled.

4. What have Liputin and Fedka been doing at the Spigulin factory?
(a) Streamlining the work flow.
(b) Working.
(c) Managing the workers.
(d) Fomenting discontent.

5. What kind of speech does Stepan Verkhovensky give?
(a) A jeremiad against the people themselves.
(b) An attack on materialism.
(c) A justification of revolutionary acts.
(d) A defense of high culture.

6. What does Stavrogin want Fedka to do?
(a) Start a riot.
(b) Return to prison.
(c) Kill Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.
(d) Kill Shatov.

7. Russia's salvation seems to reside where, in Dostoevsky's opinion?
(a) In the peasants.
(b) In the Church.
(c) In the monarchy.
(d) In the radicals.

8. What is Peter Verkhovensky concerned about when he rushes out of Virginsky's house?
(a) An arrest warrant that has been issued for him.
(b) A raid that is planned for his house.
(c) Getting his manuscript to the press in time for printing.
(d) A letter that might expose the group.

9. What reason does the narrator have for visiting Lembke?
(a) He wants to arrange to get out of the country.
(b) He wants to know why he is being searched.
(c) He wants to testify against Peter Verkhovensky.
(d) He wants to prevent Stepan Verkhovensky from doing anything silly.

10. Who does Peter allow into the fête?
(a) Writers and artists.
(b) Criminals and prostitutes.
(c) Lower-class people.
(d) Radical agitators.

11. What have Lisa and Stavrogin done as Chapter 3 of Part 3 begins?
(a) Burned the town.
(b) Run away to Moscow.
(c) Stolen money from Mrs. Lembke.
(d) Spent the night together.

12. Who does the chief of police begin to arrest?
(a) The people who complain about the lack of food.
(b) The people who set fire to the hall.
(c) The people who disseminate radical literature.
(d) The people who bring alcohol into the fête.

13. What does Stavrogin look for and not find in the final chapters?
(a) His mother's forgiveness.
(b) A good woman's love.
(c) God.
(d) Just punishment.

14. What does Dostoevsky seem to believe is the problem with Russia?
(a) It is poisoned by its peasant spirituality.
(b) It is both attracted to and repulsed by industrial modernism.
(c) It is held back by its feudal past.
(d) It is ripe for a revolution but incapable of emerging from one.

15. What does Stepan Verkhovensky find in his wanderings?
(a) Honest peasants.
(b) God.
(c) A good woman's love.
(d) Alcoholism and despair.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Stepan Verkhovensky react to the search of Peter's house?

2. Why do the townspeople think the Lebyatkins were killed?

3. Which one of these characters is NOT in Peter's secret group?

4. What does Stepan ask of the police during the search?

5. Why was it a mistake to charge a high price for the fête?

(see the answer keys)

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