The Possessed Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III, Chapter 1, The Fête, Part One and Chapter 2, The End of The Fête.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What condition does Mrs. Lembke impose on people who want to come to her party?
(a) Guests must read a radical essay by Peter Verkhovensky.
(b) Guests must pledge loyalty to the Czar.
(c) Guests must volunteer to subvert the rich.
(d) Guests must purchase a subscription to her new literary magazine.

2. Who is Mrs. Lembke hosting in her salon?
(a) The local youth.
(b) The local elite.
(c) Visiting dignitaries.
(d) Local writers and artists.

3. Why was it a mistake to charge a high price for the fête?
(a) The people expected to be entertained.
(b) The people who came wanted food.
(c) Expensive tickets excluded the writers.
(d) No one could afford to come.

4. Why did Nicholas initially take an interest in Captain Lebyatkin?
(a) He found his buffoonish behavior amusing.
(b) He found his poverty heartbreaking.
(c) He wanted to help Peter's friends.
(d) He was impressed by his opulence.

5. How are Mrs. Stavrogin's views changing as time goes on?
(a) She is becoming more reserved and conservative.
(b) She is becoming more utilitarian and modern.
(c) She is becoming more prophetic and visionary.
(d) She is becoming more fearful and reactionary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the chief of police begin to arrest?

2. With whom does Nicholas Stavrogin leave from his conversation with his mother?

3. What was Nicholas' first impression of Mary Lebyatkin?

4. What happened to the money that Nicholas gives to Captain Lebyatkin for Mary?

5. Who does Peter allow into the fête?

(see the answer key)

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