The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the poem " Two-Volume Novel," what has stopped the sun and moon from shining?
(a) The narrator has reached the end of her life.
(b) The narrator's love interest does not love her back.
(c) The dead of winter has cast a cloud over everything.
(d) The end of the world has arrived.

2. What disturbing news does the narrator give to Mona?
(a) Garry has moved away to Chicago and does not plan to return.
(b) Garry is not out of town, but has been seen around town with another woman.
(c) Mona's doctor has been telling everyone about her "condition."
(d) Mona will never find a man who will want to marry her.

3. What does the narrator say would help Mona?
(a) Getting dressed and going out for the evening.
(b) Getting married and having children.
(c) A big bowl of chicken soup.
(d) Calling Garry up on the phone.

4. What sight causes Hazel to lose her high spirits as she is on her way to meet Art?
(a) A mangy dog shivering behind a pile of trash.
(b) An emaciated child begging on the street corner.
(c) A drunken old man stumbling along the street.
(d) A ragged cart horse being beaten by its driver.

5. What complaint does the narrator of "Bohemia" express about sculptors and singers?
(a) They can never say no.
(b) They tell everyone about their affairs.
(c) They never know anything.
(d) They only think about sex.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Garry McVicker?

2. How does Herbie react when Hazel begins to drink Scotch?

3. According to the poem "Wisdom," what is a path to misery?

4. According to "Ballade of Unfortunate Mammals," how are women and elephants alike?

5. During what year is the story "Just a Little One" set?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the cause of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon's divorce in the short story "Too Bad"?

2. Compare the poems "Ultimatum" and "Requiescat." How are they similar?

3. In the story, "Lady With a Lamp," what is Mona's illness?

4. Explain the allusions in the poem "Prayer for a New Mother."

5. Compare the poems "Surprise," "On Being A Woman," and "Second Love." What do they have in common?

6. What story is told through the poem "There Was One"?

7. In the short story "The Last Tea," why does the girl brag about the evening that she had the night before?

8. How does the narrator of "Lady With a Lamp" make Mona feel worse rather than better?

9. How does Hazel Morse lose her own identity in her efforts to please others in the short story "Big Blonde"?

10. How does the resolution of "Big Blonde" illustrate that Hazel's troubles are recurrent cycle?

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