The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the narrator of "Sweet Violets" similar to the violets?
(a) They both emerge from hardship.
(b) They are both brief, frail, and blue.
(c) They both require attention and care.
(d) They are both Heaven's masterpieces.

2. In "The Willow," during what month is the earth "sweet" and "young."
(a) April.
(b) June.
(c) March.
(d) May.

3. According to "Salome's Dancing-Lesson," who does not need dance lessons?
(a) A woman who is too old for dancing.
(b) A woman who feels the music in her heart.
(c) A woman whose body is young and cool.
(d) A woman who dances for a purpose.

4. What kind of horse does the narrator want to get?
(a) A cart horse.
(b) One with a blue eye.
(c) A black one.
(d) Just a little one.

5. What does Hazel do with Mrs. Martin?
(a) They drink and play cards.
(b) They gossip about their neighbors.
(c) They complain about their husbands.
(d) They go shopping together.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what occasion does the hag visit the narrator in the poem "Godmother"?

2. How much time passes between the time that Horace leaves the narrator's home and the time that he calls the house?

3. What complaint does the narrator of "Bohemia" express about sculptors and singers?

4. What gift does the narrator give to the six soldiers as they leave?

5. To what does the narrator compare the lighting in the speakeasy?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Mrs. Hofstadter on Josephine Street," how is Horace the exact opposite of what the narrator and her husband are looking for?

2. In the story, "Lady With a Lamp," what is Mona's illness?

3. Compare the poems "Surprise," "On Being A Woman," and "Second Love." What do they have in common?

4. What explains Miss Wilmarth's "curious expression" in the short story "Horsie"?

5. In the short story "The Last Tea," why does the girl brag about the evening that she had the night before?

6. Compare the poems "Bric-A-Brac," "Fulfillment," and "Theory." What do these poems have in common?

7. How does the resolution of "Big Blonde" illustrate that Hazel's troubles are recurrent cycle?

8. What is the lesson behind the poem "Parable for a Certain Virgin"?

9. In "Soldiers of the Republic," what does the narrator learn about the life of a soldier?

10. What kind of advice do the poems "Prologue to a Saga" and "The Lady's Reward" give to women?

(see the answer keys)

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