The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the poem "Superfluous Advice" suggest about gossip?
(a) One should encourage gossip as long as it is untrue,
(b) Gossip is harmful and should be avoided.
(c) Gossip is good as long as it is about other people.
(d) Gossip should always be whispered, never spoken aloud.

2. Why does the narrator in "Thought for a Sunshiny Morning" not mind stepping on a worm?
(a) She knows that worms will devour her when she is dead.
(b) She sees no purpose in their existence.
(c) Thousands more live beneath the earth.
(d) The worm's body will feed the earth.

3. To what does the narrator compare the lighting in the speakeasy?
(a) A church confessional.
(b) A back alley at midnight.
(c) A kitchen cupboard.
(d) Mammoth Cave.

4. What does the narrator say would help Mona?
(a) A big bowl of chicken soup.
(b) Getting married and having children.
(c) Calling Garry up on the phone.
(d) Getting dressed and going out for the evening.

5. For what is the narrator of "Sonnet For the End of a Sequence" grateful?
(a) That she can rely on her friendships.
(b) That her poems will last beyond her own death.
(c) That her lover has remained true.
(d) That her lover has gone and she has found herself again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator of "Requiescat" pray "will not rise again"?

2. How do both Mrs. Weldon and Mr. Weldon feel about their apartment?

3. Who does the narrator say she thinks she is after three highballs?

4. Throughout their marriage, how many evenings have the Weldons experienced that are similar to the one described in "Too Bad"?

5. What does the girl in "The Last Tea" think about girls who drink alcohol.

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Soldiers of the Republic," what does the narrator learn about the life of a soldier?

2. What story is told through the poem "There Was One"?

3. What is the cause of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon's divorce in the short story "Too Bad"?

4. How does Hazel Morse lose her own identity in her efforts to please others in the short story "Big Blonde"?

5. In the poem "The Last Question," what is the purpose of the italicized lines?

6. In the story, "Lady With a Lamp," what is Mona's illness?

7. Explain the irony in "Ninon de Lenclos, On Her Last Birthday."

8. Compare the poems "Bric-A-Brac," "Fulfillment," and "Theory." What do these poems have in common?

9. In the short story "The Last Tea," why does the girl brag about the evening that she had the night before?

10. Explain the allusions in the poem "Prayer for a New Mother."

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