The New York Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The New York Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator decide from the beginning that he will omit from his book?
(a) Fanshawe's parents.
(b) Fanshawe's letter to the narrator.
(c) Fanshawe's childhood.
(d) Fanshawe's marriage.

2. What is the name of the bartender with whom Blue has occasional conversations when he slips out to a bar?
(a) Red.
(b) Violet.
(c) Gray.
(d) Brown.

3. What team does Jackie Robinson play for in 1947?
(a) The Yankees.
(b) The Mets.
(c) The Dodgers.
(d) The Jets.

4. During their second conversation, what does Black tell Blue that he does for a living?
(a) He says he is a private detective.
(b) He says he is an insurance salesman.
(c) He says he is a writer.
(d) He says he is a teacher.

5. What does the narrator begin to suspect that Fanshawe wants him to do?
(a) He suspects that Fanshawe wants him to write his biography.
(b) He suspects that Fanshawe wants him to divorce Sophie.
(c) He suspects that Fanshawe wants him to kill him.
(d) He suspects that Fanshawe wants him to kill his mother.

6. Who is the editor that the narrator contacts to publish Fanshawe's work?
(a) Sam Smith.
(b) Roger Fanshawe.
(c) Stuart Green.
(d) Stuart Black.

7. What form of payment does White send to Blue?
(a) A personal check.
(b) Gold doubloons.
(c) A postal money order.
(d) Cash.

8. According to Jane Fanshawe, how did the narrator and Fanshawe compare physically as children?
(a) The narrator was much thinner than Fanshawe.
(b) Fanshawe was much taller than the narrator.
(c) They looked very different.
(d) They looked like brothers, almost twins.

9. How does the narrator react to being in Fanshawe's room with his things?
(a) He is nervous and wants to leave.
(b) He begins to cry.
(c) He is happy and thinks about the good times they had.
(d) He becomes angry.

10. What name does Blue use to introduce himself to Black during their second conversation?
(a) White.
(b) Brown.
(c) Rain.
(d) Snow.

11. What happens when Blue finally decides to contact the future Mrs. Blue?
(a) They agree to meet in the park but she doesn't come.
(b) He sends her a telegram but she never receives it.
(c) No one answers his telephone call.
(d) He writes her a letter and does not receive a reply.

12. Where does Blue read about Gold and the case of the murdered child?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) Walden.
(c) True Detective.
(d) TIme.

13. Where is the apartment located that the narrator, Sophie and Ben move into after their marriage?
(a) Park Avenue.
(b) Riverside Drive.
(c) Fifth Avenue.
(d) Broadway.

14. Where does Blue go to watch Jackie Robinson play baseball?
(a) Shea Stadium.
(b) Wrigley Field.
(c) Madison Square Garden.
(d) Ebbets Field.

15. What does Blue notice about White?
(a) He is wearing a disguise.
(b) He is balding.
(c) He has a tattoo.
(d) He has an accent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Blue find when he opens the door to Black's apartment after Black tells him to come in?

2. Why do the narrator and Fanshawe hitch-hike home from the cemetery on the day that Fanshawe's father dies?

3. What is the number of the box at the Brooklyn Post Office to which Blue sends his monthly reports?

4. What does Blue watch Black do every day?

5. Where does the narrator go at the end of Chapter 7 without Sophie and Ben?

(see the answer keys)

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