The New York Trilogy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The New York Trilogy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Quinn's book of poetry?
(a) Business Verses.
(b) The Business of Poetry.
(c) Risky Business.
(d) Unfinished Business.

2. How are the two men resembling the photograph of Stillman distinguishable?
(a) They are dressed differently.
(b) One of them has fewer wrinkles.
(c) One of them has brown hair.
(d) They are of different heights.

3. On what condition does Quinn agree to continue following Stillman after thirteen days of repetitive action, per his telephone consultation with Virginia Stillman?
(a) On the condition that he be able to talk to Stillman.
(b) On the condition that he is given a raise in pay.
(c) On the condition that Virginia Stillman kisses him again.
(d) On the condition that he is given a company car.

4. What item does Stillman carry with him on his daily walks?
(a) A copy of the Bible.
(b) A stuffed animal.
(c) An old-fashioned carpet bag.
(d) A metal detector.

5. After Quinn figures out the message, how many days does he estimate are left before Stillman makes a move to harm Peter?
(a) One day.
(b) Seven days.
(c) Four days.
(d) Two days.

6. Who held Peter Stillman captive in the dark room for nine years?
(a) His wife.
(b) His father.
(c) His brother.
(d) His mother.

7. What does Quinn consider to be the ideal relationship between a detective and his client?
(a) They should maintain close contact.
(b) They should meet once per week.
(c) They should live together.
(d) They should be unaware of each other's work.

8. In Chapter 7, where does Quinn go to find Stillman?
(a) Central Park.
(b) Shea Stadium.
(c) Grand Central Station.
(d) The Columbia Library.

9. In their first conversation in Chapter 9, what does Stillman tell Quinn his project is?
(a) Drawing maps of the city.
(b) Collecting street trash.
(c) Inventing a new language.
(d) Building the Tower of Babel.

10. What is the name of the Park where Stillman tends to spend several hours each day?
(a) Riverside Park.
(b) McIntire Park.
(c) Hudson Park.
(d) Central Park.

11. After Quinn runs out of money and leaves the alleyway, he sees his reflection in a mirror. His own image reminds him of whom?
(a) Don Quixote.
(b) Jonathon Swift.
(c) Robinson Crusoe.
(d) Peter Stillman.

12. According to Stillman, how is man like an egg?
(a) Like an egg, man is white.
(b) Like an egg, man is pure potential; he is not fully realized.
(c) Like an egg, man is easily cracked.
(d) Like an egg, man is tempramental.

13. What does Quinn do with the clothes he is wearing in Chapter 13?
(a) He takes off all of his clothing and washes it.
(b) He takes off all of his clothing and tears it up to make bandages.
(c) He takes off all of his clothing and burns it.
(d) He takes off all of his clothes and drops them down the airshaft.

14. What is the last sentence written in the red notebook?
(a) "This is the last will and testament of Daniel Quinn."
(b) "What will happen when there are no more pages in the red notebook?"
(c) "Whatever happened to Peter Stillman?"
(d) "So it goes."

15. Where does the second meeting between Quinn and Stillman take place in Chapter 9?
(a) The Santa Maria Cafe.
(b) The Pinta Hotel.
(c) The Mayflower Cafe.
(d) The Titanic Hotel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Quinn the second time the telephone rings?

2. What do Quinn and the counterman at the luncheonette commonly converse about?

3. What does Quinn purchase before leaving the luncheonette?

4. According to Stillman, what secret reference do the initials H.D. have?

5. The second time Quinn awakens in the small room at the back of the apartment, what does he find waiting for him?

(see the answer keys)

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