The Neutronium Alchemist Conflict Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neutronium Alchemist Conflict Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of ritual does Quinn conduct on Jesup to bind his followers to him?
(a) Holistic.
(b) Satanistic.
(c) Non-believer.
(d) Altruistic.

2. Who is reluctant at first to help Mzu in her ambush plans at Toi-Hoi?
(a) Oenone.
(b) Ione.
(c) Capone.
(d) Geila.

3. Where does Oenone arrive when Syrinx informs Ione that Meredith Saldana is here to visit her?
(a) Mazda.
(b) Nylan.
(c) Tranquility.
(d) Jesup.

4. Where does Ralph go and see preparations being made for the massive combined effort to rid Mortonridge of the possessed?
(a) Rocio.
(b) Ombrey.
(c) Liest.
(d) Nylan.

5. When the voidhawks engage the Organization ships in combat, what networks of the planet are forced to retaliate on Nyvan?
(a) KG.
(b) LS.
(c) SD.
(d) GB.

6. What is the God that Kelly and the Kiint are interested in that is part of a research project?
(a) Tyrathca.
(b) Nylan.
(c) Jezebel.
(d) Lieria.

7. Who does Mzu go to meet when her car is followed by Joshua and his companions, Monica and Samuel, various other agents, and the local police?
(a) Joshua.
(b) Quinn.
(c) Baranovich.
(d) Keaton.

8. How does Rubra kill the possessed?
(a) By electrocution.
(b) By stabbing.
(c) By bullets.
(d) By poison.

9. What does Syrinx want to ambush Capone from attacking?
(a) Tranquility.
(b) Toi-hoi.
(c) Nylvan.
(d) Norton.

10. When Louise, Genevieve and Fletcher arrive at the High York asteroid, who meets them at the spaceport?
(a) A customs officer.
(b) A writer and artist.
(c) A homecoming party.
(d) A friend.

11. What does the Alchemist do to the gas giant that is thrown at?
(a) Blow it up.
(b) Make it smaller.
(c) Create explosions.
(d) Connect with it.

12. Where do the Capone ships move to avoid the crossfire as the Lady Mac goes into defensive position?
(a) D-zone.
(b) Lower orbit.
(c) Neutral zone.
(d) Higher orbit.

13. How does Samuel communicate with the Ione serjeant?
(a) By dreams.
(b) By affinity.
(c) By luck.
(d) By prayer.

14. Who is the Garissan victim that was a student of Mzu that is at the hotel of Mzu, Lodi, Voi and Eriba?
(a) Dominx.
(b) Gendibal.
(c) Tonala.
(d) Gelai.

15. While Jay is playing with Hailie, what subject do they discuss at length?
(a) Religion.
(b) Patricide.
(c) Nano technology.
(d) The environment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dariat put Tatiana and his body in before leaving the body to join his soul with the habitat's neural strata?

2. When Moyo goes in search of working toilets for the children to use, who does he find in a warehouse?

3. Why does Jacqueline kill the other prisoners held by the Confederation army before the marines arrive?

4. When the possessed find the broken toilet and try to follow, Rubra releases________ from the toilets all over the starscraper.

5. What does Mzu give Capone that makes Voi extremely angry about on Nyvan?

(see the answer keys)

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