The Most Dangerous Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 5, evil is described as "tangible." What would this mean is true about evil?
(a) It is a thing that can distract you from your real goals.
(b) It is a thing that can take over without you realizing it.
(c) It is a thing that can paralyze you with fear.
(d) It is a thing that you can perceive with your senses.

2. Which word does the narrator use to describe General Zaroff's home?
(a) Fanciful.
(b) Palatial.
(c) Grotesque.
(d) Foreboding.

3. What is Zaroff's response to Rainsford's arrival?
(a) He seems confused and changes his mind twice about what to do with Rainsford.
(b) He is welcoming and invites him to dinner.
(c) He seems suspicious and initially locks Rainsford in a bedroom.
(d) He is pleased to have company and gives Rainsford a tour of the house.

4. What does Zaroff say is the problem with ordinary big-game hunting?
(a) There are too many other great hunters in the world.
(b) It wastes the life of an animal for no purpose.
(c) It does not take the feelings of the prey animal into account.
(d) The prey animal has almost no chance of survival.

5. What explanation does Zaroff give for having recognized Rainsford?
(a) They have crossed paths on their hunting expeditions.
(b) Zaroff knows Rainsford's hunting partner.
(c) He has read Rainsford's book.
(d) They met during the war.

6. What is the name of the island on which the story takes place?
(a) Shipwreck Island.
(b) The island is unnamed.
(c) Ship-Trap Island.
(d) Sunken Ship Island.

7. When Rainsford introduces himself to the General's servant, what is the man's response?
(a) He cocks the hammer of his gun.
(b) He finally allows Rainsford to enter the house.
(c) He calls for General Zaroff.
(d) He slams the door.

8. When Zaroff says, on page 31, that there is "no greater bore than perfection," to what is he referring?
(a) His father.
(b) Prey animals.
(c) His own abilities as a hunter.
(d) Rainsford's hunting plans.

9. How does Rainsford end up alone on deck?
(a) His partner goes below deck to fetch a map to show Rainsford.
(b) His partner goes below deck to sleep.
(c) He and his partner argue, and his partner doesn't want to be around him for a while.
(d) The captain calls his partner below deck.

10. What is the name of General Zaroff's servant?
(a) Ivan.
(b) Sanger.
(c) Whitney.
(d) Nielsen.

11. What does Zaroff imply he was afraid of when he realized that hunting had begun to bore him?
(a) That he was becoming a coward.
(b) That he was becoming weak and soft-hearted.
(c) Having a breakdown.
(d) Having to go home to Russia.

12. What is the first thing that Rainsford does once he is on top of the cliffs?
(a) Make a fire.
(b) Hide.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Yell for help.

13. Which character says, on page 31, "Instinct is no match for reason"?
(a) Rainsford.
(b) Ivan.
(c) Nielsen.
(d) Zaroff.

14. Who is the captain of the ship that Rainsford travels on?
(a) Whitney.
(b) Ivan.
(c) Nielsen.
(d) Sanger.

15. What does Rainsford see is true about three sides of Zaroff's house?
(a) They are built over cliffs.
(b) They have no windows.
(c) They are crumbling into disrepair.
(d) They are surrounded by a fence.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Zaroff credit for his great abilities as a hunter?

2. What do Rainsford and his partner intend to hunt?

3. To what ethnic group do Zaroff and his servant belong?

4. On page 1, the night is described as "dank." In this context, what does this word mean?

5. What explanation does Zaroff give for his servant's not speaking to Rainsford?

(see the answer keys)

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