The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: Pages 33-48.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what does Zaroff blame Rainsford's refusal to participate in murder?
(a) Rainsford's more cautious upbringing.
(b) Rainsford's not being a Russian.
(c) America's Puritan ancestry.
(d) His experiences as a soldier.

2. What does Zaroff believe fighting in the war should have taught Rainsford?
(a) That nothing in life is fair.
(b) That human life is not inherently valuable.
(c) How to hunt for human beings.
(d) To keep a level head when he is in danger.

3. What does Zaroff enjoy about hunting humans?
(a) It breaks a powerful taboo.
(b) It reminds him of being in the war.
(c) They sometimes escape him.
(d) They can reason.

4. What is the best description of the General's servant's clothing?
(a) He is dressed in a butler's uniform.
(b) He is wearing an expensive suit.
(c) He is in a military uniform.
(d) He is dressed like a hunter.

5. On page 1, the narrator says that the night "was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht." What does "palpable" mean in this context?
(a) Able to be felt or touched.
(b) Soft enough to be squeezed or manipulated.
(c) Dark and forbidding, gloomy.
(d) Warning of bad things to come.

Short Answer Questions

1. Into what two groups does Rainsford divide up the world?

2. What is the name of General Zaroff's servant?

3. What is Rainsford's first reaction when he falls overboard?

4. When Rainsford introduces himself to the General's servant, what is the man's response?

5. How much of a head start does Zaroff offer his victims?

(see the answer key)

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