The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What impression, according to the author, was essential to Muggeridge's project?
(a) That abortion is a sin.
(b) That Mother Teresa performed a miracle.
(c) That Calcutta is a hellhole.
(d) That God lives in the charitable.

2. What did a volunteer note about the appearance of patients in Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying?
(a) They wore sari rags.
(b) They wore dirty bandages.
(c) Their backs were bruised.
(d) Their heads were shaved.

3. Mother Teresa once told a terminal cancer patient, "You are suffering like Christ on the cross. So Jesus must be ______ you."
(a) Praising.
(b) Holding.
(c) Watching.
(d) Kissing.

4. Of the impression his documentary helped to create, Malcolm Muggeridge said, "Mother Teresa's way of looking at life is barren soil for ________."
(a) Entertainment.
(b) Today's populace.
(c) Ratings.
(d) Copy writers.

5. In the Introduction, the author claims that Mother Teresa's life showed a determination to be ranked with _______ and ________.
(a) St. Thomas Moore, St. Dominic
(b) St. Paul, St. John the Apostle.
(c) St. Francis, St. Benedict.
(d) St. Jude, St. Peter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What pain killer is most often given in Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying?

2. In what language was the slogan "In this sign shall ye conquer" written in the Haitian publication?

3. According to the 1994 Lancet article, diagnostic investigations were seldom permissible because Mother Teresa preferred ________ to planning.

4. Who was instrumental in bringing Mother Teresa's image to international attention?

5. What was the role of Ken Macmillan on Malcolm Muggeridge's crew?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the premise for the Catholic Church's missionary work?

2. What was Mother Teresa's purpose in writing to Judge Lance Ito?

3. How does the author define intellectual snobbery?

4. What are causes of Calcutta's overpopulation?

5. What is upsetting about Mother Teresa's visit with Michele Duvalier?

6. In the Introduction, what does the author conclude the picture of Mother Teresa with Michele Duvalier announces about Mother Teresa?

7. What, according to the Introduction, were the author's difficulties in researching Mother Teresa's life?

8. What do Mother Teresa's appearances described in "Ubiquity," Chapter 2 have in common?

9. What is Mother Teresa's solution for abortion, and why is it obsolete?

10. How was the Catholic Church in Haiti at odds with the Vatican?

(see the answer keys)

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