The Marquise of O, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Marquise of O, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Marquise's mother try to get the Marquise to guess?
(a) The wishes of her deceased husband.
(b) The Marquise's mother's opinion of her pregnancy.
(c) The time and place at which her impregnation took place.
(d) The identity of the father of the baby.

2. What has the Marquise sworn never to do again?
(a) Fall in love.
(b) Trust a man.
(c) Marry.
(d) Bear a child.

3. How does the Count react after seeing the newspaper article?
(a) Confused.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Suspicious.
(d) Relieved.

4. When the Count arrives at the house for a visit, what does he do?
(a) He proposes to the Marquise.
(b) He tells the Marquise that her attackers have been dealt with.
(c) He offers to buy the Marquise's home from her.
(d) He plans a party in the Marquise's honor.

5. What does the Marquise's father do willingly during the attack?
(a) He surrenders.
(b) He fights the enemy.
(c) He kills anyone in his way.
(d) He gives up his daughter.

6. How does the Count shock the Marquise's brother?
(a) By telling him that he is dying.
(b) By telling him that he is a father.
(c) By telling him that he is married.
(d) By telling him that he still intends to marry the Marquise.

7. What does the family decide to do while the Count is away on his trip?
(a) Remodel the house.
(b) Marry off the Marquise.
(c) Make inquiries into his background.
(d) Go on a trip themselves.

8. How does the Marquise intend to live her life after she leaves the family home?
(a) To the full.
(b) For her children.
(c) In solitude.
(d) In mourning.

9. While the Count is away on his trip, what does the Marquise begin to suffer from?
(a) Her usual sickness.
(b) Fits of rage.
(c) Depression.
(d) Lethargy.

10. What does the Count give up by signing some papers from the Marquise's father?
(a) He gives up his title.
(b) He gives up his conjugal rights.
(c) He gives up his self-respect.
(d) He gives up his inheritance.

11. What is the Marquise's given name?
(a) Diana.
(b) Maria.
(c) Lola.
(d) Julietta.

12. Why do the Marquise and her children move in with her parents?
(a) She has no money.
(b) Her house burns down.
(c) Her husband dies.
(d) Her youngest child becomes very ill.

13. What does the Marquise's father ask Count F after the attacks?
(a) He asks for the name of the Count's commanding officer.
(b) He asks about Count F's background and family.
(c) He asks for help with rebuilding his home.
(d) He asks for the names of the men who attacked the Marquise.

14. How do the Count and the Marquise live until after the baby is born?
(a) In separate houses.
(b) The Count is stationed hours away and the Marquise stays with her parents.
(c) They live together at the Marquise's parents' house.
(d) They live together in the country.

15. What happens to the Marquise's family home during the attack?
(a) It is looted.
(b) It catches fire.
(c) It is used as a base for her countrymen.
(d) It is used as a base for the enemies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Marquise's mother claim she will do if the Marquise's father does not forgive his daughter?

2. What nationality was the author of "Marquise of O-"?

3. According to the Count, what is the Marquise more of than the rest of them?

4. What is the Marquise forced to do after she awakes following the attacks?

5. What does the Count claim when he visits the family?

(see the answer keys)

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