The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the main reasons Walter doesn't trust Ulrich?
(a) Ulrich has expressed an attraction toward Clarisse.
(b) Ulrich stole money from Walter.
(c) Ulrich has had affairs with married women.
(d) Ulrich once stole Walter's girlfriend.

2. What point of view does the author use in Chapter 119 to relate the thoughts and feelings of Ulrich and Gerda?
(a) Second-person.
(b) First-person omniscient.
(c) Third-person omniscient.
(d) Third-person limited.

3. What societal problem is present in the novel for the first time in Chapter 120?
(a) War.
(b) Plague.
(c) Famine.
(d) Political unrest.

4. According to the author in Chapter 116, what is the main thing that is holding Ulrich back?
(a) He is not as intelligent as he tries to make people believe he is.
(b) His wife.
(c) His social status.
(d) He suppresses parts of his personality.

5. Why does Bonadea take an interest in Moosbrugger's welfare in Chapter 115?
(a) She feels maternal toward him because he is much younger.
(b) She sees a picture of him, and finds him attractive.
(c) She has a gut feeling that he is innocent.
(d) Her motives are never explicitly stated.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ulrich do when he encounters a prostitute in Chapter 122?

2. What is the result of the position of the child and servant, according to the author in Chapter 113?

3. How did Gerda meet Hans Sepp?

4. What phrase is used to describe the Kakanians in Chapter 108?

5. What does Racheal realize in Chapter 104?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information is given by the General in Chapter 116?

2. What idea does Ulrich have at the end of Chapter 120?

3. How do outsiders relate to Moosbrugger, and why are they interested in him, according to the information presented in Chapter 110?

4. What is revealed about Arnheim in Chapter 116?

5. What changes in Chapter 117 for Rachel?

6. Who does Ulrich encounter in Chapter 122, and how does he respond?

7. What happens between Ulrich and Gerda in Chapter 119?

8. Who is Bonadea, and what is her history with Ulrich?

9. What is the concept of "diminished responsibility" as outlined in Chapter 111?

10. How was Ulrich working against Arnheim, as described in Chapter 112?

(see the answer keys)

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