The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Leo's reaction to the topic Ulrich introduces in Chapter 73?
(a) He doesn't express an opinion either way.
(b) He dislikes it but doesn't get worked up about it.
(c) He is undecided.
(d) He passionately opposes it.

2. What important concept is introduced in Chapter 99?
(a) Impressionism.
(b) Expressionism.
(c) Romanticism.
(d) Realism.

3. Who is Moosbrugger?
(a) A businessman who was successful but has fallen on hard times.
(b) A hobo and a beggar.
(c) A prosperous businessman.
(d) A murderer.

4. What did Arnheim explain to Diotima in Chapter 76?
(a) Some of the Count's characteristics are a natural byproduct of his status.
(b) The Count is severely opposed to anti-Semitism and actively works against it.
(c) Diotima doesn't have the social stature to question the Count.
(d) Diotima's husband can't better his position without the Count's blessings.

5. What did Diotima discuss with Arnheim in Chapter 76?
(a) Her complaints about the Count.
(b) The Count's marital situation.
(c) Anti-Semitism.
(d) Her husband's political future.

6. What relationship is mentioned by the author in Chapter 96?
(a) The relationship between science and the Church.
(b) The relationship between science and emotion.
(c) The relationship between church and state.
(d) The relationship between jealousy and insecurity.

7. How did Diotima feel when the individual who received the invitation in Chapter 80 arrived at her home?
(a) Excited.
(b) Annoyed.
(c) Disappointed.
(d) Surprised.

8. How does the author describe Clarisse?
(a) A sexy intellectual.
(b) Intelligent, but not particularly attractive.
(c) Attractive, but not particularly intelligent.
(d) A conservative patriot.

9. What example does the author use in Chapter 74 to describe the power of natural forces?
(a) The way some animals mate for life.
(b) The Moon's effect on the tides.
(c) The unstoppable power of tornadoes and hurricanes.
(d) The Moon's orbit around the Earth.

10. What did Arnheim say in Chapter 94, which made Diotima realize her feelings for him?
(a) He talked about the perception of reality and how the concept should be abolished.
(b) He flattered her immensely and told her that of all her virtues her intellect was the most valuable.
(c) He conveyed to her his depth of feeling for her husband and how he valued their friendship.
(d) He told her about his decision to fund the orphanage with his own money.

11. What might be the result if the philosopher mentioned in Chapter 77 were to do what the author suggests?
(a) He would be able to change the course of history.
(b) He would be laughed at.
(c) He would easily get a writing job.
(d) He would usher in a new era of philosophy and politics.

12. What was the topic of the letter that Clarisse wrote to Count Leinsdorf in Chapter 82?
(a) Allowing Ulrich to take advantage of the Count's political connections.
(b) Starting her own salon, with the Count's permission and funding.
(c) Purchasing one of the Count's properties.
(d) Creating a Nietzsche Year.

13. What is one of the main ideas brought into Diotima's circle of intellectuals in Chapter 89?
(a) Modernity.
(b) Impressionism.
(c) Romanticism.
(d) Conservativism.

14. When did Arnheim do the majority of his traveling?
(a) During World War I.
(b) Before World War I.
(c) During World War II.
(d) After World War I.

15. Which character from the previous volume is reintroduced in Chapter 74?
(a) Leo.
(b) Arnheim.
(c) Gerda.
(d) Ulrich.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who receives an invitation from Diotima in Chapter 80?

2. Who is Soliman?

3. What is mysterious about Diotima's invitation in Chapter 80?

4. Why was the General promoted to staff officer?

5. Arnheim has traveled extensively in what areas of the world?

(see the answer keys)

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