The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when a book becomes important enough, according to the author?
(a) It is deemed worthy of certain kinds of attention.
(b) It is referenced in other literary works.
(c) It becomes a best-seller.
(d) It goes into the canon of literary classics.

2. According to Arnheim in Chapter 92, what group of people frequently gave him the most trouble?
(a) The intelligentsia.
(b) The wealthy.
(c) The poor.
(d) People who suddenly came into great quantities of money.

3. According to the information given in Chapter 96, what creates a calm temperament?
(a) Two different tendencies, which peacefully coexist.
(b) One tendency, which is peaceful because it doesn't know anything else.
(c) Two different tendencies, which are constantly battling but are evenly matched.
(d) One tendency, which is peaceful because it has no competition.

4. What does Ulrich begin to suspect in Chapter 91?
(a) General Stumm is planning to murder Arnheim.
(b) Count Leinsdorf is beginning to fall for Diotima as well.
(c) Arnheim and Diotima are secretly having an affair.
(d) There is some reason why Diotima's husband is so tolerant of her affection for Arnheim.

5. How old is Gerda?
(a) 25.
(b) 21.
(c) 23.
(d) 27.

6. What do Ulrich and Klementine discuss in Chapter 73?
(a) Leo's hopes for a promotion.
(b) Ulrich's love for Gerda.
(c) The upcoming war.
(d) Anti-Semitism.

7. What relationship is mentioned by the author in Chapter 96?
(a) The relationship between science and the Church.
(b) The relationship between church and state.
(c) The relationship between jealousy and insecurity.
(d) The relationship between science and emotion.

8. What is Klementine's reaction to the topic Ulrich introduces in Chapter 73?
(a) She doesn't know how she feels about it.
(b) She dislikes it but doesn't get particularly worked up about it.
(c) She is too timid to express an opinion.
(d) She is anxiously hoping it will come to pass.

9. What is Diotima's opinion of working life as stated in Chapter 93?
(a) It can wipe out someone's personality unless it is so well suited to them that they identify with it.
(b) She declines to give an opinion of working life because she has never experienced it.
(c) It is a necessary evil for many, which the rich are happy to avoid.
(d) It builds an individual's character, and as such it is an extremely valuable experience.

10. Who is Soliman?
(a) An African boy who was adopted by an Austrian family.
(b) Diotima's nephew.
(c) An African businessman, working in Austria.
(d) A poor enslaved boy, who is lucky enough to work for a very wealthy family.

11. What important concept is introduced in Chapter 99?
(a) Impressionism.
(b) Realism.
(c) Romanticism.
(d) Expressionism.

12. What mistaken idea does Arnheim possess in Chapter 92?
(a) That people are interested in him as a person and not in his wealth.
(b) It is his wealth that impresses people and not his personal qualities.
(c) He could continue to associate with the same people even if he were not rich.
(d) Diotima values him only for his wealth and financial contributions to her cause.

13. How does Diotima feel about adultery in Chapter 94?
(a) She is repulsed by it, and would never entertain the thought.
(b) She has found herself seriously considering it.
(c) She has already committed adultery, and sees no problem with it.
(d) She wouldn't commit adultery herself, but understands why other women might.

14. What might be the result if the philosopher mentioned in Chapter 77 were to do what the author suggests?
(a) He would usher in a new era of philosophy and politics.
(b) He would be able to change the course of history.
(c) He would be laughed at.
(d) He would easily get a writing job.

15. Which countries does Diotima specifically dislike?
(a) Prussia and Germany.
(b) Germany and Austria.
(c) Austria and Denmark.
(d) Austria and Germany.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Arnheim do the majority of his traveling?

2. According to the author, why are some writers' situations strange?

3. How does the author describe Clarisse?

4. What question regarding businessmen does Arnheim explore in Chapter 96?

5. What was difficult about Aunt Jane's life as she is introduced in Chapter 99?

(see the answer keys)

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