The Lunatic Cafe Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lunatic Cafe Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 21-25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Anita leaves Washington University, what does Gretchen do?
(a) Gretchen attacks Anita.
(b) Gretchen asks Anita to help her find a missing lycanthrope.
(c) Gretchen steals Anita's purse.
(d) Gretchen hugs Anita.

2. What sort of preternatural creature is Kaspar?
(a) A wererat.
(b) A werewolf.
(c) A wereswan.
(d) A werepanther.

3. What does Anita do to protect Louie from being discovered by the police,?
(a) She covers him with a blanket and hides him behind a shrub.
(b) She asks Jean-Claude to take him home.
(c) She asks Gretchen to take him to Guilty Pleasures.
(d) She covers him with her coat and carries him to her Jeep.

4. According to Richard, how did Raina convince Marcus to sanction pornography between humans and shapeshifters?
(a) She told him she would be in some of the movies.
(b) She told him he would be killed if he did not agree to sanction the movies.
(c) She told him it would be very lucrative.
(d) She told him he could be in some of the movies.

5. Why do the police request Anita's help at a crime scene after the musical?
(a) She has psychic abilities.
(b) She is a police detective.
(c) The police suspect Anita might be involved in the crime.
(d) She helps investigate murders that might have ties to the preternatural.

Short Answer Questions

1. Following the theater performance, why is Anita concerned when she realizes Richard might be a romantic?

2. Following the encounter between Anita, Gretchen, and Louie, what transformation does Louie undergo while unconscious?

3. After Anita shoots and kills a shapeshifter, how does Marcus respond?

4. After examining the body and the crime scene, on the night of her date with Richard, what does Anita conclude?

5. What is Robert's primary job at Guilty Pleasures?

(see the answer key)

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