The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the superintendent of the Hill's C-Wing?
(a) Gordon Hutcheson.
(b) Rudy Cantanze.
(c) Carl Miguel.
(d) Ms. Gold.

2. Why does David want to keep his friendship with John?
(a) John is his only friend.
(b) He is scared of John.
(c) John threatened him.
(d) He feels sorry for John.

3. What does David realize when Carlos and he see his brother?
(a) That his brother is living with their father.
(b) That his brother hates him.
(c) That his brother is now in foster care.
(d) That his brother is now the one being abused.

4. Where did Rudy threaten to take David if he didn't change his attitude?
(a) The Garage.
(b) The Big House.
(c) The Hall.
(d) The Hill.

5. David feels that the Turnbough residence will be his final foster home. What does David tear up while he's there?
(a) A postcard from his grandmother.
(b) A note from his mother.
(c) The list of address of his previous foster homes.
(d) A letter from his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who becomes David's probation officer?

2. Summer is over and David returns to school. Who 'befriends' David?

3. What realization did David have after meeting with his father in the "Break Away" chapter?

4. At David's new foster home in the "Coming Around" chapter, the foster parents decided to move. What did David assume would happen when they moved?

5. When David is 15, he feels that the countdown to his 18th birthday has begun. He knows when he is 18 he will have to leave the foster care system. What step does David take to prepare for this event?

Short Essay Questions

1. While at the Hill, what did the mental health person want David to do?

2. Give an example to support David's belief that his time at the Hill was a positive experience.

3. Why did David join the Air Force?

4. In the Estranged chapter, when David is being removed from the Catanzes', Gordan tells David he should feel fortunate to have been with one family for so long, and that David shouldn't complain about the move. Why did Gordan say this to David?

5. How does David react to the school secretary's remarks about foster children?

6. In the Coming Around chapter, David is in high school and making true friends. Who are some of the people David makes friends with when the Walshes move? Please give a brief description of their relationships.

7. Why did David feel responsible for the Nulls' divorce?

8. Where did David go after the Johnny Jones incident?

9. Late in the chapter entitled The Defiant One, after David returns to the Catanze's for the second time, what one fact does David cling to when Rudy is yelling at him?

10. Why didn't anyone believe David when he said he didn't start the fire?

(see the answer keys)

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