The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When David is 15, he feels that the countdown to his 18th birthday has begun. He knows when he is 18 he will have to leave the foster care system. What step does David take to prepare for this event?
(a) David begins stealing.
(b) David begins working.
(c) David does nothing to prepare for this event.
(d) David begins begging for an allowance.

2. How does David feel when he's moved to the new wing at the Hill?
(a) He feels sad.
(b) He feels threaten.
(c) He feels afraid.
(d) He feels safe.

3. While at the Turnboughs, why does David only wash his clothes on Saturdays and Sundays?
(a) That's his scheduled time to wash his clothes.
(b) He knows the social workers won't come on those days.
(c) He doesn't like washing clothes, and is forced to do it then.
(d) Those are the only days he's home.

4. Who did David think of when he was aboard a 747 heading for his new life?
(a) Alice Turnbough.
(b) Michael Marsh.
(c) Stephen Pelzer.
(d) Jody Jones.

5. After the Johnny Jones task, David meets with Ms. Gold. What does he tell her?
(a) He tells her he dislikes Lilian.
(b) He tells her he is constantly afraid.
(c) He tells her to take him back to his mother.
(d) He tells her he hates her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is David mad at after he completes the Johnny Jones task?

2. Who is Uncle Lee?

3. What special task do the Turnboughs do for David?

4. David begins to see a new psychiatrist during his time with the Turnboughs. Who is his new doctor?

5. Who called David the day before he left for the Air Force?

Short Essay Questions

1. What two items did David accidentally leave behind at the Catanze's?

2. When David goes to court, what does his lawyer tell the judge?

3. In the Coming Around chapter, David is in high school and making true friends. Who are some of the people David makes friends with when the Walshes move? Please give a brief description of their relationships.

4. In the Break Away chapter, David was living with the Turnboughs again. Did David ever go back and visit his friends on Duinsmoore Drive?

5. When David is living with the Nulls, what does he do for Joanne when she is upset?

6. David is again placed with the Turnboughs. David informs Alice that this is where he belongs. One day David realizes that he cannot preform a simple life skills task, and begs Alice to teach him. What was the task, and what happened when David attempted the task?

7. What is "The Hill?"

8. When David becomes a model student at the Hill, what does he achieve?

9. In the Estranged chapter, when David is being removed from the Catanzes', Gordan tells David he should feel fortunate to have been with one family for so long, and that David shouldn't complain about the move. Why did Gordan say this to David?

10. Who told David that they would do whatever it takes to help him?

(see the answer keys)

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