The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What observation do Steinbeck and Ricketts have regarding the marine life in Coronado Island and Monterey Bay?

2. How does the expedition party scare the shark that was circling their their boat?

3. How long does Tex suffer through the diet exercise?

4. How does Steinbeck see the history of the human race?

5. What remark does Steinbeck makes about cannibalism?

Short Essay Questions

1. Steinbeck and Ricketts willingly accept the offer to go on a big sheep-hunting expedition even though it is apparent that they do not have the desires to hunt any creature. Give a probable explanation as to why the two readily agreed to the invitation in the first place.

2. Discuss on Steinbeck's theory on how relaxation and laziness can lead to greater productivity.

3. Sparky and Tiny are always anxious to spend some time in the towns, which they are unable to do in Santa Rosalia. Give probable reasons as to why the two are always looking forward to spending some time in the towns.

4. Describe how life in the Western Flyer becomes by the end of March. How does it chang compared when they first sailed to sea?

5. Describe the profile of the specimens the expedition party collects. Provide details about the group's interest in all of these specimens, as explained by Steinbeck himself.

6. When the group is discussing the activities of the Japanese dredge boats and trawlers, Steinbeck contradicts himself from his earlier position on food wastage. What is Steinbeck's new position on the food wastage?

7. Briefly explain Steinbeck's thoughts about a place being friendly or unfriendly. What instances led him to these thoughts?

8. Explain Steinbeck's thoughts on the wastage of food witnesses together with Ricketts on the Japanese dredge boats.

9. Briefly explain Steinbeck's feelings towards the whole expedition. Does he feel that the expedition has taught them anything, and is there any particular valuable lesson they have acquired from the trip, apart from scientific learnings?

10. Describe Steinbeck and Ricketts' encounter with the ranchers and vacationers, and their consequent big sheep-hunting expedition.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Steinbeck makes the analogy of trying to keep a straight course to achieving ideals in life. Please discuss this analogy further. What are the similarities and differences of the two? In both cases, what attitudes and behaviors are desirable? On the other hand, what attitudes and behaviors should one avoid?

Essay Topic 2

Steinbeck frequently relates marine organisms to men and vice versa, and thinks of both as equally representative of a larger pattern. Do you support Steinbeck's thinking that they both represent a larger pattern? What pattern could this be? Support your answers with specific instances from the story, if not about men then about marine organisms.

Essay Topic 3

The Log from the Sea of Cortez contains not only information on marine biology but also discussions on philosophy, biology and spirituality, among others. Discuss whether sea voyage or any voyage in particular prompts analytical thinking on life and other sublime topics. Support your answers with examples from the story.

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