The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On March 18, where does the expedition party end up going when a wind rises before they were able to anchor?
(a) San Diego Bay.
(b) Magdalena Bay.
(c) Pescadero Point.
(d) Marina Bay.

2. What does Steinbeck notice about the sense of time of the local people of Cabo San Lucas?
(a) It is reversed, sleeping during the day and working during the night.
(b) They seem to all walk faster, indicating that they have a faster sense of time.
(c) There is nothing different about their sense of time and that of the indigents'.
(d) It seems so different from their own.

3. What are John Steinbeck's lamentations about?
(a) The lack of information available to him necessary to plan an expedition to the sea.
(b) The soaring prices of gasoline and labor which he needs for his expedition.
(c) The weather being unpredictable which makes a sea expedition particularly hard.
(d) About how short a time he has to do all the things he wants to do.

4. What does the expedition party find when they finally landed on the shores of San Jose Island?
(a) Fire-rings, fuel, clam and turtle shells.
(b) Coal, gold and several precious stones.
(c) Several other outboard motors to replace the one they have.
(d) Several ladies with leis waiting for them.

5. What does the log entry of March 12 say?
(a) It describes the fight between John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts.
(b) It describes the boat race between the Western Flyer and another vessel.
(c) It describes the festivities that happened in Cortez, Mexico and how the expedition party won several prizes.
(d) It describes the progress of the Western Flyer, and the team's actions during the travel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the vessel during Tiny and Sparky's watch?

2. Why are the particular dates chosen for an expedition?

3. What instrument does Raul use, which Steinbeck and Ricketts buy from him?

4. What do the Mexican officials do with the expedition party?

5. Why does the crew prefer to catch and eat any other fish than the porpoises?

Short Essay Questions

1. Briefly discuss how Tony's personality is impressed upon the team members as they take turns manning the wheel.

2. Briefly discuss Steinbeck's theory on the complications of western systems compared to the simplicity of some other cultures, such as the Indians'.

3. What observation does Steinbeck make regarding boats and their owners? Cite a particular example of this observation.

4. What are some examples of Steinbeck's personification of marine life?

5. Briefly state the discussions made by Steinbeck and Ricketts on different ways of thinking, particularly looking at the society and the balance that is maintained all the time, as specified by their given example on employment.

6. Describe Tex and make some assumptions on the way he looks.

7. Describe San Jose Island and how it appears to the expedition party. Give an explanation to the things that the party see when they try to go ashore in the island.

8. Explain Steinbeck's theory on man's struggle for dominance. What is his theory on how one group never stays in power for a very long time?

9. What is the Log of Sea Cortez and why was it created?

10. Describe the activities of the expedition party on the eve of their departure. Speculate on the feelings of the team members on this particular night.

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