The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From his philosophical discussions, what does Steinbeck suddenly suggest?
(a) That they sail all day down an uncharted coastline toward their last planned stop, and anchor offshore as night falls.
(b) That they all try to write their ideas in the log so as to continue discussing it when back at home.
(c) That they divide the specimen they have collected and return them all to sea.
(d) That they find the next town and sell all the specimen they have collected.

2. What is the best description for Angeles Bay?
(a) It is where several expedition parties meet up and exchange information.
(b) It is the last collecting stop of the expedition on the west side of the Gulf.
(c) It is a trading town where goods can be exchanged, sold and bought.
(d) It is the last place where expedition party members can grab a few drinks before getting back to the boat.

3. What does Sparky collect to give to his friends back at home?
(a) Very beautiful snail shells.
(b) Very beautiful oyster pearls.
(c) Very beautiful sand dollars.
(d) Very beautiful starfish.

4. What is the expedition party's last collecting stop?
(a) Magdalena Bay.
(b) La Paz.
(c) San Diego Bay.
(d) San Gabriel Bay.

5. How is Guaymas different from the other towns they have been in?
(a) Guaymas does not ask for taxes from its visitors.
(b) Guaymas welcomes visitors to become resident
(c) Guaymas seems to be foucs on news, business and tourism.
(d) Guaymas does not speak English.

6. What does the expedition party use instead of the tide chart to watch the rise and fall of the tides?
(a) Ricketts' compass.
(b) A marked stick.
(c) Steinbeck's journal.
(d) A sailor's watch.

7. What are the fishermen heading out to work complaining about early in the morning on April 8th?
(a) A noisy dog that scares all the fish away.
(b) Some Japanese trawlers that are taking all the shrimp.
(c) A Japanese businessman who is buying all the fish at half the price.
(d) A big sea vessel that kills all the sea turtles.

8. What does the party find in Angeles Bay?
(a) They find that it was closed to tourists and voyagers and they had to return to sea immediately.
(b) There seems to be an unknown settlement with a very odd sense of something strange going on.
(c) They find that there are a dozen men who want to be part of their team.
(d) They find another expedition party heading to the same destination like them.

9. How does the morning of March 31 affect the activities of the expedition party?
(a) There is a storm on the horizon which prompts the crew to leave earlier than planned.
(b) It is raining heavily which makes it impossible to collect anything on shore or underwater.
(c) There is a celebration in town and the expedition party is distracted and lured into attending the party.
(d) Although it is low tide, the tide was quite high and the wind is up, making it difficult to collect onshore or underwater.

10. What does the crew call the invertebrates that Steinbeck and Ricketts catch?
(a) Jello.
(b) No Bones.
(c) Blobs.
(d) Bugs.

11. Which statement best describes the marine life in Puerto Escondido?
(a) There is no marine life to speak of.
(b) The number of specimens are increased due to the wide variety of habitats and niches in the entrance of the bay.
(c) The marine life is greatly preserved by the locals, as shown from many posters seen around town.
(d) The number of specimens are reduced because the tide carries them all out of the island.

12. When the sea is very smooth, what does the crew do to take advantage of the calm seas?
(a) They label and sort their collection.
(b) They cook omelette which is very hard to cook perfectly on a rough sea,
(c) They iron their clothes.
(d) They play a game of hockey.

13. After facing difficulties collecting specimens, what do Steinbeck and Ricketts do instead on Easter Sunday ?
(a) Steinbeck and Ricketts hire several locals to do it for them.
(b) Tex, Tiny and Sparky are tasked to catch everything that comes ashore.
(c) They place a light near the surface of the water, and catch what the light attracts.
(d) They place a big basin just near the shore and catch whatever the tide brings in.

14. On Easter Sunday, despite facing difficulties collecting specimens, Steinbeck and Ricketts are able to catch a significant marine life - what is it?
(a) A large, beautiful lobster.
(b) A shiny, white porpoise.
(c) A large, century old turtle.
(d) A small, printed seahorse.

15. What actually happens to Tex's weight in the face of the crew's attempt to put him on a diet?
(a) He gets sick and loses more than ten pounds.
(b) He develops bulimia and the crew is regretful.
(c) He gains a few pounds by sneaking food at every opportunity.
(d) He loses ten pounds after only five days of dieting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can't the expedition party stay longer in Guaymas and in the sea?

2. Why does the party chose not to dock in Guaymas and instead anchor in a nearby bay?

3. What specific food does the crew fight about, leading them to decide to stop making it?

4. Who heads ashore to do some collecting in Agiabampo estuary?

5. What are the freshwater species that are eaten locally, and collected by the expedition party on March 30?

(see the answer keys)

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