The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the prisoner being assigned exercise around the table?
(a) It is a specially designed torture.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She is politically important.
(d) Her legs are atrophying.

2. What does Partnoy do to oppose the new military regime?
(a) She produces and distributes pamphlets.
(b) She confronts the General.
(c) She lobbies for aid from other countries.
(d) She organizes strikes and raids.

3. In the Little School, who calls Alicia by her name?
(a) The guards.
(b) Rosa.
(c) Vasca.
(d) Carlos.

4. What kind of treatment was Graciela given?
(a) She was exiled.
(b) She was blinded.
(c) She was deprived of medicine.
(d) She was tortured.

5. What shoes does the protagonist wear during the beginning of her stay at the Little School?
(a) Swim fins.
(b) Sandals.
(c) Mismatched house slippers, one with a plastic daisy.
(d) High heels that are too small.

6. Who is Adrianita?
(a) Graciela's daughter.
(b) Benja's girlfriend.
(c) Hugo's wife.
(d) Alicia's daughter.

7. To whom is the book dedicated?
(a) Alicia's daughter.
(b) Alicia's mother and father.
(c) Alicia's sister Daniella.
(d) Alicia's brother Daniel.

8. Between what hours was Alicia on guard at Nestor and Mary's house?
(a) Between 2am and 4am.
(b) Between 3pm and 7pm.
(c) Between 12pm and 5pm.
(d) Between 12am and 6am.

9. After her third shower, what does her escort guard do?
(a) He sings a folk song.
(b) He gives her extra bread.
(c) He molests her.
(d) He takes her to the torture room.

10. When the visitor promises her a treat, what room is Alicia staying in?
(a) She is in the guards' quarters.
(b) She is in the sunroom, directly across from the torture room.
(c) She is in a room for prisoners with bad behavior who refuse to collaborate.
(d) She is in the guards' bathroom.

11. Why does the game end as quickly as it begins?
(a) It begins to rain.
(b) The guards get in trouble.
(c) Maria Elena faints out of weakness.
(d) All the prisoners attempt escape.

12. What letters does Partnoy read on the house when she arrives at the Little School?
(a) A.A.A., Alianza Anticomunita Argentina.
(b) O.A., Organizacion Argentina.
(c) G.L., El Grupo Libres.
(d) P.P., Politica Peron.

13. How many operations had Alicia had on her nose?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 6.

14. Who is Raul?
(a) Hugo's brother.
(b) Graciela's husband.
(c) Maria Elena's boyfriend.
(d) Alicia's husband.

15. What idea do Loro and Bruja force on the prisoners for their entertainment?
(a) The "little love."
(b) The "little book."
(c) The "little train."
(d) The "little monster."

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alicia feel about her allergies?

2. Which prisoner thinks they are getting privileges as a tactic to break them into cooperation?

3. How does Alicia detect the guard is still in the room, though he tries to fool her into thinking he has left?

4. What event caused Alicia and her friends to change their aliases?

5. What does Alicia worry about when her communication method does not work?

(see the answer keys)

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