The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When entering Zimbabwe, what does Colonel Bukharin pose as?
(a) A diplomat.
(b) A timber merchant.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A businessman.

2. Why is Vusamanzi assisting Craig and the others in hiding from Peter?
(a) He is afraid of Tungata.
(b) He is secretly working for Peter.
(c) He believes it is his destiny.
(d) He hopes they will pay him.

3. What do Craig and Sally-Anne discover as the only way out of Lobengula's tomb?
(a) A chimney on the ceiling of a cavern.
(b) A small hole on the side of the entrance.
(c) A 10 feet deep lake with an exit at the bottom.
(d) A back entrance covered with rocks.

4. What has happened to Tungata while in prison?
(a) He has lost leadership of his warriors.
(b) He has vowed to pay Craig back by murdering him.
(c) He has maintained leadership of his warriors.
(d) He has been tortured.

5. Who has frozen all Craig's assets and bank accounts and put a hold on all the royalties from his future book?
(a) Henry Pickering.
(b) The US government.
(c) The US Embassy.
(d) The Zimbabwe government.

6. What does Tungata find when he reaches Lobengula's tomb where the diamonds are hidden?
(a) The diamonds are gone.
(b) Peter's soliders waiting to kill him.
(c) Armed guards.
(d) More diamonds than he knew where there.

7. How do Craig, the rebels and Tungata escape the prison since both vehicles are damaged in the shoot out?
(a) They combine parts from the two vehicles to make one running vehicle.
(b) They leave on foot.
(c) They use another jeep that is on the prison property.
(d) They steal a small prop plane from a neighboring airstrip.

8. What does Peter do to the poisonous snake to make it angry enough to bite Tungata's face?
(a) He hits it.
(b) He holds it by its tail.
(c) He burns it with hot coals.
(d) He starves it.

9. Where do Craig and the warriors stop for help on their way to the prison?
(a) The US Embassy.
(b) King's Lynn.
(c) A Matabele training mission.
(d) Sarah's father's village.

10. What poisonous snake does Peter use to torture Tungata?
(a) A Giboon Adder.
(b) A Tree Viper.
(c) A True Viper.
(d) A Black Mamba.

11. What does Vusamanzi believe about Tungata?
(a) He is the chosen one.
(b) He is a betrayer.
(c) He has too much power.
(d) He should marry Sarah.

12. After Peter is led to the cavern, what does he do to the woman who led him there?
(a) He pays her.
(b) He thanks her.
(c) He shoots her.
(d) He breaks her neck.

13. Once they find a way out of Lobengula's tomb, what do Craig and Tungata do?
(a) Overtake Peter's headquarters.
(b) Look for Comrade Lookout.
(c) Say a prayer of thanks to Lobengula.
(d) Shoot all of Peter's soldiers.

14. After traveling through the desert and being near exhaustion, why do Craig and Sally-Anne abandon the rifle and ammunition they are carrying?
(a) They are tempted to kill themselves.
(b) It is Captain Nbebi's rifle.
(c) They don't want to be caught with it.
(d) It is too heavy.

15. When Craig, Sally-Anne, Tungata and Sarah feel the ground tremble, what do they know has happened?
(a) Lobengula is angry that the diamonds have been taken.
(b) There has been an earthquake.
(c) The entrance has been dynamited shut.
(d) The water from the lake is coming through the entrance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Craig, Sally-Anne and Captain Nbebi find out patrols know of their escape and are after them?

2. After Captain Nbebi is killed, how does Sally-Anne help in Craig's fight against Peter's soldier?

3. What last favor does Craig ask of Morgan Oxford from the embassy?

4. Where does Bukharin take Peter?

5. Why can't Craig, Sally Anne, Sarah and Tungata escape up the rope ladder that is by the edge in cavern?

(see the answer keys)

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