The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Final Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Final Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Muhammad is ranked in importance equal to ________________________.
(a) Jesus Christ
(b) Charles Taze Russell
(c) L. Ron Hubbard
(d) Joseph Smith

2. Young converts to Christianity are the targets of _____________________.
(a) Unification Church
(b) Rajaneeschism
(c) Hari Krishnas
(d) Jehovah's Witnesses

3. The New Age cult refers to ________________________.
(a) none of these
(b) the new year
(c) youth
(d) the Aquarian Age

4. Swedenborg viewed Jesus Christ as _____________________.
(a) an archangel
(b) a member of the Trinity
(c) Jehovah
(d) the Savior

5. The business practices of the Unification Church, especially regarding recruitment, include ________________________________.
(a) recruitment by word of mouth
(b) multiple pseudonyms or anonymous recruitment
(c) open honest recruitment
(d) no recruitment

6. Hinduism comes primarily from __________________.
(a) Pakistan
(b) the American Southwest
(c) India
(d) China

7. Seventh Day Adventism ______________________________.
(a) was the result of three segments of Millerism
(b) was the result of two segments of Millerism
(c) was founded by William Miller
(d) was an offshoot of Jehovah's Witnesses

8. Jehovah's Witnesses view Jesus ____________________________.
(a) an equal member of the Trinity
(b) according to orthodox Christian doctrine
(c) as an ordinary man
(d) as a God but not the Almighty God

9. The purpose of conferences of cults includes all but one of the following:
(a) sharing information to avoid duplication of effots
(b) developing a united approach in the battle against cults
(c) proposing legal action
(d) providing information

10. What is God's spiritual law according to the Worldwide Church of God?
(a) the Bible
(b) the rules of the Worldwide Church of God
(c) the Torah
(d) the Ten Commandments

11. The Worldwide Church of God was founded by ______________________.
(a) Herbert W. Armstrong
(b) Charles Fillmore
(c) Joseph Smith
(d) Charles Taze Russell

12. The Divine Principle _________________________.
(a) is a recruitment document
(b) is the traditional Christian Bible
(c) is based on orthodox Christian interpretations of the Bible
(d) contains all of Moon's teachings

13. The Unification Church appeals mainly to ___________________________.
(a) middle-aged people
(b) all age groups and income classes
(c) the elderly
(d) educated middle class youth

14. According to the teachings of the Worldwide Church of God, _____________________________.
(a) there is no Trinity
(b) the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equal
(c) the concept of Trinity is the same as in orthodox Christianity
(d) mankind must save itself

15. Millerism was based on the Book of __________________.
(a) Daniel
(b) Isiah
(c) Genesis
(d) David

Short Answer Questions

1. Educational efforts must include all but one of the following:

2. According to the New Age, what separates man from God?

3. The Unification Church was founded by ______________________.

4. Regarding the message of the Gospels, many of the cults ____________________________________.

5. The form of Biblical interpretation promoted by the Worldwide Church of God is based on __________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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