The Jilting of Granny Weatherall Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Granny think were in her bed yesterday?
(a) Ticks
(b) Sugar ants
(c) Fleas
(d) Spiders

2. What would Granny tell John sometimes if she could?
(a) That she brought the children up right
(b) That she didn’t do badly
(c) That she made it on her own
(d) That she missed him

3. As Granny remembers being jilted, what does she see in her mind’s eye?
(a) Thunder and lightning
(b) Hell
(c) Smoke
(d) Rain

4. What did Granny want to give Cornelia?
(a) Amethyst set
(b) Ruby ring
(c) Sapphire ring
(d) Diamond necklace

5. Who does Granny really want to see?
(a) Hapsy
(b) Lydia
(c) George
(d) Jimmy

6. What shakes Granny after she considers who she might have exchanged her husband for?
(a) Deep roaring
(b) Children
(c) Thunder
(d) Explosion

7. When Granny finds the person she really wants to see, what does that person have?
(a) Dessert
(b) A small toddler
(c) A baby
(d) Food

8. How does Cornelia keep secrets?
(a) Close to her breast
(b) In a public way
(c) Gossips about secrets
(d) Forever

9. How far does Lydia drive to talk with her mother?
(a) 80 miles
(b) 53 miles
(c) 72 miles
(d) 69 miles

10. Why doesn’t the doctor find Granny’s behavior odd?
(a) It is a symptom of her disease
(b) Granny has always been different
(c) She is 80
(d) She is 90

11. What does sleeping in the light give?
(a) Tiredness
(b) Disjointed memories
(c) Fatigue
(d) Nightmares

12. What does Granny tell Cornelia to do?
(a) Bring supper
(b) Get tea
(c) Wash her face
(d) Wipe her eyes

13. When Granny considers something that was not given back, where does she feel pain that rises?
(a) Ribs
(b) Chest
(c) Groin
(d) Stomach

14. How many years did Granny live with kerosene lamps?
(a) 35
(b) 50
(c) 45
(d) 40

15. Who does Granny hear whispering from a long way off after she sees the person she really has wanted to see?
(a) Dr. Harry
(b) Cornelia
(c) Lydia
(d) Jimmy

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of the story, what does Granny ask the doctor to take with him and go?

2. After Granny tries to tell the doctor what she wants, what whispering does she hear?

3. What does Granny want picked completely this year and not wasted?

4. What does Granny want to tell the person she hasn’t seen for sixty years?

5. When has Cornelia seen her mother as she is now?

(see the answer keys)

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