The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Schedoni admit about Nicola in Chapter 28?
(a) He is his father.
(b) He was his agent in a plot against Vivaldi.
(c) He has never seen him before.
(d) He tried to murder him.

2. What frightens Ellena several times during the night in Chapter 18?
(a) The screams of other prisoners.
(b) Nightmares.
(c) The darkness.
(d) A figure approaching the bed.

3. What does Ellena request from Spalatro?
(a) Food and water.
(b) Her freedom.
(c) A lamp.
(d) A rosary.

4. What does Vivaldi tell the tribunal about the monk in Chapter 27?
(a) That he knows his identity.
(b) The color of his hair.
(c) His location.
(d) That he visited his chamber the night before.

5. What does Schedoni instruct Spaltaro to do to Ellena in Chapter 20?
(a) Set her free.
(b) Make sure she has food.
(c) Kill her.
(d) Marry her.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 18, where does Ellena's journey take her?

2. What causes Ellena to fear for Schedoni while he is chasing Spalatro?

3. What is Vivaldi told when he summons the jailer to detain the monk in Chapter 27?

4. Who does Olivia state Schedoni is in Chapter 30?

5. What does Vivaldi expect to happen when he meets the Chief Officer?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ellena fear when Beatrice visits her, and who does Beatrice tell her has died?

2. What does the guide tell Schedoni about Spaltaro in Chapter 23, and what does Schedoni do in response?

3. After being sentenced to death, what does Schedoni reveal to Vivaldi, and how does Vivaldi receive the news?

4. What does Ellena suspect when Spaltaro brings her breakfast, and what does she do because of this suspicion?

5. What does Schedoni report to the Marchesa di Vivaldi, and what does she believe has happened?

6. What happens to Ellena while at the convent of Santa Maria della Pieta and prevents her from staying there permanently?

7. On her deathbed, what does the Marchesa confess to and state is her dying wish?

8. Where is Ellena taken in Chapter 18, into whose care is she given, and how is she treated by this person?

9. Why does Ellena believe that Schedoni came to save her from Spaltaro?

10. How does the mysterious monk assert himself to Vivaldi during his imprisonment and questioning?

(see the answer keys)

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