The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Ellena to fear for Schedoni while he is chasing Spalatro?
(a) She realizes Schedoni is unarmed.
(b) She hears Schedoni scream.
(c) She sees Schedoni fall down.
(d) She sees another man chasing Schedoni.

2. What event is happening in Rome in Chapter 17?
(a) A riot.
(b) A musical concert.
(c) A carnival.
(d) A crucifixion.

3. In Chapter 24, what does the Marchesa believe after hearing details about Ellena's family?
(a) That Schedoni has been taken in by Ellena's lies.
(b) She would like to hear the details from Ellena for herself.
(c) They should be written into a book.
(d) Her son should marry Ellena immediately.

4. How does Ellena feel about Sister Olivia of San Stefano in Chapter 25?
(a) She should leave the convent to marry Schedoni.
(b) She will soon die.
(c) She has a bitter hatred for her.
(d) She loves her most of all the nuns.

5. What is the response of the monk Ellena appeals to for protection?
(a) He laughs in her face.
(b) He offers his protection.
(c) He vows to pray for her.
(d) He tells her life is not worth saving and accuses her of slattery.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Vivaldi gain Paulo an indulgence at the close of Chapter 29?

2. In Chapter 24 what does the Marchesa di Vivaldi ask Schedoni about Ellena?

3. What does the sentinel do when Vivaldi questions him about the visitor in his cell?

4. What led to the Bruno family's poverty?

5. Whose confession does Father Ansaldo relate to the tribunal?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ellena believe that Schedoni came to save her from Spaltaro?

2. In Chapter 20, who is Schedoni revealed to be, and why has he striven to be in the Marchesa's good graces?

3. What causes Ellena to be unable to sleep in her cell, and how is this possible?

4. What does Schedoni report to the Marchesa di Vivaldi, and what does she believe has happened?

5. What makes Ellena's idea, to be taken to the church of Santa Maria della Pieta, appear more attractive to Schedoni, and what is Ellena's reaction when he agrees to her idea?

6. What happens when Vivaldi asks the jailer to capture the monk, and what other tale does he tell the tribunal?

7. How are Vivaldi and Paulo questioned in Chapter 26, and how do they both reply?

8. After being sentenced to death, what does Schedoni reveal to Vivaldi, and how does Vivaldi receive the news?

9. What does the monk accuse Ellena of when she appeals for protection in Chapter 19, and who does she realize the monk is?

10. Who is the mysterious monk, and what does he claim is true about Schedoni, and what does he produce to verify his story?

(see the answer keys)

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